fuck Ozzfest, Gigantour is coming...

Bryan316 said:
Whoah... hold on.... Emerald Sword calling a tour like this a "huge disappointment"? Moonchild saying bands have to be relevant today?

I think we're getting FAAAR too elitist around here. Come on! Calling it a huge disappointment? By getting some wickedawesome bands together that MegaDave has wanted to play with for years now? And being relevant? As if Led Zeppelin or Jimi Hendrix or Eric Clapton or Deep Purple are in any way more relevant, yet kids these days are STILL learning about them and digging their stuff, 35+ years later?

This ain't a reunion tour. This ain't a variety show. This ain't a record company shmozz. This ain't a publicity stunt.

It's a fistful of great metal. How people can be "disappointed" about seeing a helluva show, is beyond my comprehension. Same as people bitching about not getting THE perfect ProgPower lineup this year, and then blaming Glenn as if he needs to have the same taste in music as some complete stranger, and then NOT going to ProgPower, cuz it ain't 100% what they wanted.

Boo fuckin hoo.

It's a cheap ticket price, it's a bunch of great bands with maybe one or two I'm on the fence about, and I'm gonna go. And so should you.

Now, all of ya, knock off the elitist snobbery. You're acting like the waiter in Ferris Beuller's Day Off.
First of all, I never complained ONCE about ANY Progpower lineup! Second of all, I'm allowed an opinion and not an elitist snob at all. I listen to all kinds of metal. Prog, traditional, power , black, and death. Plus, classic rock, and AOR-ish stuff, too. So I'm no elitist snob. Like you people on this forum do, I'm allowed to voice an opinion. You're being the elitist snob for not allowing someone to speak their mind. Now go have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. :cry:
lol nice response. and i was just saying that mustaine wanted a good cross section of bands on the main line up. if it was testament and antrhrax it would be 2 bands that definitely seen its better days and are trying to recoup some of its former glory by reforming their best lineups. but i will still say both bands are not relevent anymore. while they did put out great music in their time. just like Iron Maiden (who i love and is my fav band. they arent relevent anymore either) and megadeth even falls into this other then its dave's tour so i dont think hes gonna take himself off the bill. but yes i wouldnt mind seeing these bands on the second stage. but i would imagine that they will take a similar approach and not have to many "similar" bands. prolly a good extreme band, maybe a prog metal act, a lassic band or 2 and probably something a lil more mainstream. will be interesting to see.
NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOO! Please no second stage! I want ONE stage, all day long, each band gets a solid 1-1/2 hours to kick our asses. No distractions, no extra circus shit, just each band getting to fully perform for everyone. No one's an opening band, no one's a headlining band. Everyone gets equality, and the fans get to see each band for ALL they're worth.
Moonchild141 said:
lol nice response. and i was just saying that mustaine wanted a good cross section of bands on the main line up. if it was testament and antrhrax it would be 2 bands that definitely seen its better days and are trying to recoup some of its former glory by reforming their best lineups. but i will still say both bands are not relevent anymore. while they did put out great music in their time. just like Iron Maiden (who i love and is my fav band. they arent relevent anymore either) and megadeth even falls into this other then its dave's tour so i dont think hes gonna take himself off the bill. but yes i wouldnt mind seeing these bands on the second stage. but i would imagine that they will take a similar approach and not have to many "similar" bands. prolly a good extreme band, maybe a prog metal act, a lassic band or 2 and probably something a lil more mainstream. will be interesting to see.
Can you get some of what you're smoking?
Moonchild141 said:
lol nice response. and i was just saying that mustaine wanted a good cross section of bands on the main line up. if it was testament and antrhrax it would be 2 bands that definitely seen its better days and are trying to recoup some of its former glory by reforming their best lineups. but i will still say both bands are not relevent anymore. while they did put out great music in their time. just like Iron Maiden (who i love and is my fav band. they arent relevent anymore either) and megadeth even falls into this other then its dave's tour so i dont think hes gonna take himself off the bill. but yes i wouldnt mind seeing these bands on the second stage. but i would imagine that they will take a similar approach and not have to many "similar" bands. prolly a good extreme band, maybe a prog metal act, a lassic band or 2 and probably something a lil more mainstream. will be interesting to see.
Can you get me some of what you're smoking?
While I have had my fazes with a bunch of the bands on this bill and would really only consider myself a current fan of one (Nevermore), I still have to say that what a great, semi-eclectic group of bands. Great job by Mustaine (if he actually organized it all) to get this thing rolling. This will be a great alternative for some Summer Live Metal.

I wonder what size venues this thing will be doing?
Emerald Sword said:
First of all, I never complained ONCE about ANY Progpower lineup! Second of all, I'm allowed an opinion and not an elitist snob at all. I listen to all kinds of metal. Prog, traditional, power , black, and death. Plus, classic rock, and AOR-ish stuff, too. So I'm no elitist snob. Like you people on this forum do, I'm allowed to voice an opinion. You're being the elitist snob for not allowing someone to speak their mind. Now go have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. :cry:

I ain't bitching about you voicing your opinion. You can voice it. I'm bitching about you claiming that a 3/5 concert isn't good enough by your standards. How can you justify missing a concert tour just because you aren't completely 100% satisfied? It's an unacceptable request! It's an IMPOSSIBLE request! Even the greatest concerts I can remember had bands that I had to tolerate through! Blind Guardian and Symphony X.... with The Black Dahlia Murder. The crowd booed them off the stage, and then we got three hours of excellence! Danzig last month, I went to see Miles Beyond and Trivium and that's it! I left before the headlining band came out, yet loved both the bands I came to see! TYPE O NEGATIVE ON DEVIL'S NIGHT DOWNTOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF DETROIT... yet I had to sit through Coal Chamber. I don't care what you might say, but sitting through Coal Chamber was 100% worth the wait, to see the crazy unholy hell that was Type O Negative on a night where you're supposed to be evil!

So voice your opinion. That's perfectly fine. I'm not gonna repress you in any way. But I will get bitchy about the topic of your opinion. Cuz I cannot ever see a reason to avoid seeing a few damned good bands if I have to suffer through only a couple less-than-par bands.

Who knows? I may enjoy seeing Dillinger Escape Plan! I dunno what I might be missing, so why not go anyways? If I don't dig em, I've got FOUR MORE BANDS that I know will entertain me!
Bryan316 said:
I ain't bitching about you voicing your opinion. You can voice it. I'm bitching about you claiming that a 3/5 concert isn't good enough by your standards. How can you justify missing a concert tour just because you aren't completely 100% satisfied? It's an unacceptable request! It's an IMPOSSIBLE request! Even the greatest concerts I can remember had bands that I had to tolerate through! Blind Guardian and Symphony X.... with The Black Dahlia Murder. The crowd booed them off the stage, and then we got three hours of excellence! Danzig last month, I went to see Miles Beyond and Trivium and that's it! I left before the headlining band came out, yet loved both the bands I came to see! TYPE O NEGATIVE ON DEVIL'S NIGHT DOWNTOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF DETROIT... yet I had to sit through Coal Chamber. I don't care what you might say, but sitting through Coal Chamber was 100% worth the wait, to see the crazy unholy hell that was Type O Negative on a night where you're supposed to be evil!

So voice your opinion. That's perfectly fine. I'm not gonna repress you in any way. But I will get bitchy about the topic of your opinion. Cuz I cannot ever see a reason to avoid seeing a few damned good bands if I have to suffer through only a couple less-than-par bands.

Who knows? I may enjoy seeing Dillinger Escape Plan! I dunno what I might be missing, so why not go anyways? If I don't dig em, I've got FOUR MORE BANDS that I know will entertain me!
Who said I wasn't going? I didn't. Who are you to judge my standards? Hitler doesn't live here. I can like or dislike any lineup or anything else that I choose. I don't give a flying fuck what you think. Get over yourself, already.
Chill down man... You just missed his point, you just don't have to just go "I dont give two shits about your point..." Just let it go...

Are we gonna ever live in peace in this forum? ;)
AngraRULES said:
Chill down man... You just missed his point, you just don't have to just go "I dont give two shits about your point..." Just let it go...

Are we gonna ever live in peace in this forum? ;)
Why should I have to let it go? Read the previous posts. Who started all of this? It wasn't me. I said it was my opinion. That's what "IMO" means. I've seen countless posts of opinions by others that don't get this nonsense that were way more inflammatory than mine. No one is going to tell me I can't say I disagree on a lineup for any tour, festival, or whatever. It is my OPINION. I don't push my preferences on anyone else. So don't tell me to chill out. Let me rag on you and see your reaction.
Dude, go ahead and rag on me... I seriously don't mind.... It does not hurt me, it does not offend me, nor it makes me scared to be honest...

I read the whole thing... I know that you just gave your opinion, and so did he... but apparently you missed what he was trying to say (At least that's what I got from it)... I know what "IMO" means, just in case you are wondering...

And by the way, I'm telling you to chill down because any types of arguments in the forum will really not get us anywhere, and I can tell you that by personal experience...The "asshole" comment it was just basically because the way you said that "I don't give two shits about your point" makes you automatically sound like one at least IMO... It seems that you simply don't wanna hear what the other person has to say... IMO =)