Melt Your Balls Off 1 line Recos of Death

new Dirge album out

and yes they done it again. Fantastic music! Songs a bit less meandering and more "aimed", which suits them as well.

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for those who missed this back in the day

or for those who forgot
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Listening to the full album now. I've heard them tossed around quite a bit, but never bothered to em' check out. Would have done so sooner if I took heed of the ItW similarities.
Yay Drawn, one of my fave underlings from back then. The dude went on to do Stille Opprør, a very nice chill-out rock/folk act with - also - unmistakable In the Woods... vibes. The Plan Be EP is great too, it has their best song imo ("This is my day")

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Agrypnie has a new EP out called Asche and it is really, really good stuff!

I'll let the music do the taking but just throw in a few names this reminds me of: Saturnus, (right era) Samael, Thy Serpent...

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This Barghest album is awesome, I never believed I would use the words United States and authentic in the same phrase but there you go. Black metal in its purest form without any pretense or eco bullshit. Merry Christmas all! :wave:
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i see your that and raise you a this:

swedish, 2010
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