Memorable metal quotes

Solitude Aeturnus:

In a blackened blur of crowding clouds
I dropped my sorrow among the leaves
I took my place as wise men do
As the storm prepared its release

Through raging winds and weeping skies
I sat in the loneliness of solitude
I washed my eyes in growing streams
Earth's resistance
True magnitude

I love these lyrics. They got me interested in the band before hearing them.
I'm stating how I see them. You're not taking into account that I don't find them memorable. I'm not speaking for everyone...

You don't need to state a damn thing. You didn't see me making fun of your godawful My Dying Bride lyrics, so how about, instead, you shut the fuck up for once? Besides, "memorable" does have a lot to do with the band in question. Which is why most metalheads remember lyrics from popular bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Metallica, etc. Death Strike is in that class of bands for me and for non-posers, and their poignantly simplistic hardcore punk influenced lyrics, and the ferocity with which they are delivered, are memorable. It helps to have a broader picture and better understanding of who Paul Speckmann is and where he came from and what he stands for as well.
Confidence by The Crucified

These lyrics might look silly to some of you, but if you go look this song up it will kick in your teeth. To me, this song (with these lyrics) is just awesome! This whole album is as good as any crossover album ever was.

The Crucified started out hardcore punk, a bit like Minor Threat, and changed to more crossover with the release of their first album (self titled) and then ended up mostly thrash with Pillars of Humanity. This is the most punk song on their self titled.

We've gotta move on
Livin' our lives for Jesus Christ
I know it's hard to be strong
But just have faith. he'll keep us in the fight

And he, said he'd never leave us or forsake us
Yeah, he told me so
He's in control, and soon he'll take us home

Stick together, look ahead
No matter how hard it gets
Just think back to yesterday
You're still alive it didn't get you yet

And he, said he'd never leave us or forsake us
Yeah, he told me so
He's in control, and soon he'll take us home

He's in control
Don't be afraid
He said he'd never leave or forsake us

Yeah, that's confidence my friend
He himself said, that hell was originally prepared for the devil and his angels.
In hell, you will be ruled over and will be inferior by darkness and the forces of evil. Your
new home will be made up of demons, fallen angels, wickedness and even the lord of
darkness himself... you will be at the bottom of the guest list.
The sphere of hell is a hollowed-out place in the earth's core. Scientists proved that the earth's
outer crust is less than twenty miles thick and that beyond that point, there are rivers and
lakes of flaming blood of the earth, called the "lake of fire". Long before the final judgment, of
the thousand suns you will find the gates to hell in burning ruins of the new city.
When the sinner closes his eyes for the second death and darkness takes his soul, you will see
and feel movements in the air. The saviors are open you and there will be no triumph without loss, no freedom
for your soul without sacrifice. There's only specific kind of creature, who ever
came back from the eternal.
This very moment, your eternal soul may be less than twenty miles from the burning fires of hell!
If you go to hell, be sure - You'll be there forever...

Shit this is fucking awesome.
You don't need to state a damn thing. You didn't see me making fun of your godawful My Dying Bride lyrics, so how about, instead, you shut the fuck up for once? Besides, "memorable" does have a lot to do with the band in question. Which is why most metalheads remember lyrics from popular bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Metallica, etc. Death Strike is in that class of bands for me and for non-posers, and their poignantly simplistic hardcore punk influenced lyrics, and the ferocity with which they are delivered, are memorable. It helps to have a broader picture and better understanding of who Paul Speckmann is and where he came from and what he stands for as well.
All I said was I don't find them memorable. You got your panties twisted. Ignore me or stop replying. I don't like those lyrics. I simply stated my thoughts. If you don't care DON'T READ THEM. Fucking christ man, let off it already. I don't read your opinions when I don't care. Put me on ignore or something. That would actually be better.
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