weird, fucked up, or amusing black metal quotes

The following are all Abbath:

On guitar solos:

"I know, uh... very few lead things, and when I play that, everybody thinks that I'm 'Wow! He's the ultimate lead player!'"

On pinch-harmonics:

"Zakk Wylde, how the hell does he do it? I mean, wwwuhhllaaaahhwahhh!"

On not remembering how to play the solos from the album (replete with emphatic full-body gesturing):

"Even live, you know, I'll just go 'Ahh fuck it!' you know? Go 'Raaarrgghhh! VENOM!!!'"

On the inspiration for the song Tyrants:

"And I was like 'Fuckin hell, Kashmir! Wow!'"

On demonstrating Battles In The North:

"I know how to read though!"

I fuckin love this shit.... I love this guy. He's the hilarious. He's the only black metal dude who can be grim while simultaneously being hilarious and personable.
All those Abbath guitar instructional videos are fantastic, he comes across as a great guy hahaha.

I wanna hear more about this black metal powerlifting thing, it sounds fascinating/hilarious.
i don't get black metal. like, how do all these insufferable insecurity-riddled delusional borderline retarded assmasters create anything resembling good music? well, i mean most of them don't, but you know what i'm chatting bitch