dilema1362 said:
and Alexis....i dont know who won, the match between myself and Yanko was too intense
and of course any UM dream would have something related to me, i'm here every single day, 10 times a day, since 2002
God, i really have to get a life
anyway, yesterday i had a dream bad enough to make me want to wake up. I eventually managed to do so by forcing myself asleep, but i still had physical feelings of the whole thing (this dead hand touching my leg), and if i didn't REALLY concentrate, i would fall back asleep and right back into the dream.
It was like, i was waiting for the elevator at my building, and then the door opened, and it was all dark in there, so i got my head in there to see if i could go down without the lights
so there was this flash of this kinda mummyfied woman staring at me like 5cm away from my face, and this dude right at my side kinda laughing, and the dead hands grabbing me and shit
it was really freaky