Memorable metal quotes

to me this comes to mind:

Nazarene, what can you offer?
Since the hour you vomited forth from the gaping womb of a woman
You have done nothing but drown men's soaring desires
In a delusion of sick sanctimonious morality
I was conceived of a jackal
Your pain on the cross was but a splinter compared to the agony of my father
I will drive deeper the thorns into your rancid carcass
You profaner of Isis
Cursed Nazarene
I will avenge thy torment

Wow, the 987165123408971st metal song blaspheming Jesus. How incredibly memorable.
Toxik - Spontaneous

We fought in wars to defend all of our beliefs
Now people starve in the streets at our feet
In middle eastern lands war heros making plans
We live out roles in their psychotic schemes

These lies are old, it's obvious
Actions speak louder than words
And though it seems we're oblivious
The time is here for us to act before

Our world burns up in flame
For higher profit gains
The time to act is now

They talk retaliation like that might save this nation
Theu'll be no more air left to breath - believe
No second life, no second strike, I had a dream what it was like
There was a flash and we were gone!

The path of destruction we're leading the way
The cancer, the answer, to God we must pray
Blind leading blind to an unearthly end
Burned out and beaten no more to defend

Corrosion of Conformity - Long Whip/Big America

Saw the news today, some D.C. suit trying to break away,
said he lost another million
just another old man trying to pass the buck with a dirty hand
good thing he knows his bible

Stick his ass in hell ever better in in this tiny cell
make him understand the meaning
of these words they try to preach just to keep them out of the nations reach
I guess it's all for the better

Take it all away
take me
won't you take me far away
HEY HEY HEY what's that game you play
will it make me richer?
cause I do not have a dime and I hate to waste your time
maybe I'm wrong but I think this whip is too long

now I was barely 21 lying in a ditch with a loaded gun
so I gave my heart away
but I got it back today in a velvet box stamped USA
now all the neighbors call me hero.

I was about to lose my mind so I buckled down and did some crime
but it wasn't what they taught me
hit the road in high pursuit now I'm on the run just like a suit
didn't know it was this easy
Wow, the 987165123408971st metal song blaspheming Jesus. How incredibly memorable.

bah atleast...I actually know what band it's from, unlike the others that we're posted, but whatever. each to there own I guess.

Adagio - Vamphyri:

I hear you
I feel you
Smell the fear, coming near behind you

I'll charm you
Animate you
A new crown of dawn forever

Bring me fire
Bring me darkness
Do not fight, just succumb to my bite

Blessing the dead upon my lands
The AiC quotes could have been better, but I don't feel much like detailing their shit.

Candlebox (there's a billion more, I just like this one)
"And I'll tell you now
How I feel inside
Fuck you
It's for you"

Guns 'n' Roses
"I bought me an illusion
An I put it on the wall
I let it fill my head with dreams
And I had to have them all"

From the same song:
"Gonna have some fun with my frustration
Gonna watch the big screen in my head"

That whole damn song is the perfect description of loving someone, doing heroin, etc. Great little self description he has there, and it applies to me in a lot of ways.
Skyclad - Desperanto (A Song for Europe?)

Passing laws on moral issues -
Sticky fingers holding tissues.

Thought Industry - Songs for Insects

Congested slams of
Beijing. Suckle chunk water surviving rusty plumbing.
Paint chips and fades the wormholed face of Mao
Zedong. Insects tremble at the coming of the Year of the
Visage with backwards eyes could be Sun Yat-Sen. A
friend armed with nails to help me torch the flag.
"Leader, your steps I adore. I’ll fight along since you
stand for me. I have surrendered to life's enchantment, a
voluptuous passing dream."

Watchtower - Life Cycles

Life's declines precede life's highs
Like the lines on a biorhythmic chart
Between the lows the beauty lies
Don't take your failures to heart
Wow, the 987165123408971st metal song blaspheming Jesus. How incredibly memorable.

Those are actually fairly well-written, though. I actually googled that shit to see what it was from. I was incredibly disappointed to find out it was Iced Earth, as that more or less voids any chance of the song being good.
Cryptopsy - Defenestration
"She's the kind of girl you want to
Run up to and tackle
Through a window some floors up
And splatter you both to hell "

I don't usually go for gory or violent lyrics, but these were just so weird...
That's really not all that weird compared to some of their lyrics. I mean, yes, it's a bit weird, but it also kind of sounds like they just wanted a way to use "Defenestration" as a song title. Because it's a good word.

But this is weird:

"Capricornus Rex in tenebris
I long to feel the dark caress
Of your cloven hooves;
I seek the loving warmth of your anus
As I place my worshipful
Lips about your teats."
Those are actually fairly well-written, though. I actually googled that shit to see what it was from. I was incredibly disappointed to find out it was Iced Earth, as that more or less voids any chance of the song being good.

Pff. Iced Earth is awesome.... if I remember correctly... those lyrics are spoken, adding alot of power and creepyness to them.
AC/DC - Touch Too Much

"She had the face of an angel
Smiling with sin
The body of Venus - with arms"

My Dying Bride

"I will be here for you
All I want is you
When I see your face
All the Angels are shamed"
That's really not all that weird compared to some of their lyrics. I mean, yes, it's a bit weird, but it also kind of sounds like they just wanted a way to use "Defenestration" as a song title. Because it's a good word.

But this is weird:

"Capricornus Rex in tenebris
I long to feel the dark caress
Of your cloven hooves;
I seek the loving warmth of your anus
As I place my worshipful
Lips about your teats."

I was actually going to post that one. Lord Worm writes the only "gore" lyrics I give a shit about. I also like this one:

Pardon, please, the narrow
Confinement of your limbs;
Unfortunately, it's necessary
For your correction;
Shriek to your heart's
Content, if you wish;
I promise you pain and
Nightmares, in that sequence.

Permit me to introduce you to
I favor her, this pretty blade
So tall and fine;
Hatred and violence are not
Our ways, but firm we are;
Squirming is useless, so is this
Colon, cry for me.
My Dying Bride

"I will be here for you
All I want is you
When I see your face
All the Angels are shamed"

That's probably my favourite MDB song, along with Cry of Mankind, although lyrically I prefer this:

"Then when my tedious hours have past,
be this my last blessing given
low at thine feet to breathe my last
and die in sight of heaven."

That is truly beautiful.
"Darkness is growing, the eternity opens
The cemetery lights up again, as in ancient times fallen souls
Die behind my steps by following the freezing moon"

(Mayhem - Freezing Moon)

"God is dead, I'm alive"

(Slayer - Sex, Murder, Art)

"Attraversando i sepolcri verso terre sconsacrate
trascinato da lamenti
e dilaniato dal tormento di nere voci soffocate
e oscurate dal mio pensiero"

(Nefarium - Subiectus Daemonis)

The quote in my sig.
"The men of power had nothing to fear
When the finger hits the switch they're far away from here
Down in their sanctuary hidding in their lair
The sorcerers of justice will be waiting for them there"

Satan-Trail by Fire
“Oh desultory being, why do you cling to that branch? is it out of fear of falling – into the grimness of reality? your tree has no end… it is rooted in nothing yet you strive higher and higher, and with the ascent, the branches become fewer and brittle..”

“Thy mounds I yearn to see, That thy plastic garment tightly veils,…and thy chasm, that drives me wild…ever so sweet for the goat in me. My intention is sticking out a mile: To evoke thy moist swelling!”

“Ages pass and mould sternly the emptyness of what is called being, concentric adaptation-spiraline degradation consensus-based follyness creates a new orbit of conduct like the orbit ov a star what forces then controls its gravity? and how grave could such a thing be, that moves only by its trajectory?[…]Burning is a power that decapitates yet a mere glimpse and your mind is assailed with doubt for you (the demon of fear) cowardice is greater than the striving to conquer that which binds you so hide in the unanimity of delusion and she will only appear black to you.”
That's probably my favourite MDB song, along with Cry of Mankind, although lyrically I prefer this:

"Then when my tedious hours have past,
be this my last blessing given
low at thine feet to breathe my last
and die in sight of heaven."

That is truly beautiful.

Another good one is:

"See the light and feel my warm desire
Run through my veins like the evening sun
It will live but no eyes will see it
I'll bless your name before I die

No person in everything can shine
Yet shine you did, for the world to see
All a man hath will he give for life?
For life that's lost bleeds all over me

I'd fallen before but it never hurt like this
Don't leave me here to crawl through the mire
I'm without fault before the throne of god
Take from me the crown of sympathy"

Specifically the first four lines, but all of that is good.
At the Municipal Waste show a few weeks ago...

Lead singer of Phobia:

"Don't brush your teeth.
Don't wash your balls.
Just get up and kill! ROOOAAAAAAAAARRRR!!!!"
