Meshuggah's old sound

I have to admit...
I had never listened to Chaosphere....
after Ermz mentioned the guitartone and after learning that it's g12t-75 (I'm still looking for t75 references), I ordered the arrived today.
Fuck, this is indeed great! (also great bass sound)

I still wonder how DHIADW and Chaosphere can sound so clean and smooth with the t75 (usually I find them very fitty and a bit distant and hollow sounding)....I'll find out....

I think the Neumann was a rather odd choice here but it worked well as we can all hear.

This is the one you're looking for. 6,8Mohm input. 11db-22db of gain, depending on the power source. FYI the TS9 has a 550Kohm input. Maybe that can be a contribution to the coloration?

Most of the sound is the old Universe though. Instant classic chugga, especially through that old battered Marshall cab. ;)

Yup they used this on chaosphere and everything before it. Possibly on the original nothing with the POD Pro i think aswell.

He used the other, bigger, TC Boost pedal for some of his lead tones i think...or at least on the Sol Niger leads.
Regarding the pickups, I remember reading somewhere that they are in fact, stock. The only modification being that they have been wax potted to prevent feedback in their high-gain mayhem.
I have to admit...
I had never listened to Chaosphere....
after Ermz mentioned the guitartone and after learning that it's g12t-75 (I'm still looking for t75 references), I ordered the arrived today.
Fuck, this is indeed great! (also great bass sound)

I still wonder how DHIADW and Chaosphere can sound so clean and smooth with the t75 (usually I find them very fitty and a bit distant and hollow sounding)....I'll find out....

Glad you're liking it. Hard to believe you had never heard Chaosphere before, it's a classic IMO! I was a teenager when that one came out, just getting into metal. I still remember the way it tore me a new one in ways few bands have since.

Okay, so the TC boost pedal. Are there any schematics of this thing out? What's the general consensus? Is it just a 'clean' boost like a blues driver, or does it impart some coloration to the tone (aside from the evident shelving/peak eq?)?

The Chaosphere tone definitely doesn't sound like it was touched with TS-type saturation. Has way too much grind for it.
Glad you're liking it. Hard to believe you had never heard Chaosphere before, it's a classic IMO! I was a teenager when that one came out, just getting into metal. I still remember the way it tore me a new one in ways few bands have since.

Okay, so the TC boost pedal. Are there any schematics of this thing out? What's the general consensus? Is it just a 'clean' boost like a blues driver, or does it impart some coloration to the tone (aside from the evident shelving/peak eq?)?

The Chaosphere tone definitely doesn't sound like it was touched with TS-type saturation. Has way too much grind for it.

Chuck me an email and i can send you the TC Preamp schematics if you want them. I got them off thordendal ages ago!
I think the TC is a big part of their old sound...they used to swear by it.

Or i can upload it if other people want it.
I've been looking for the schematic with no success. The unit is out of production, so I don’t see any legal problems in posting it (I think).
I was lucky enough to score a TC Integrated Pre off eBay ages ago but later, regrettably, sold it about 6 months back.

It's a pretty sick boost pedal to get a very specific, certain type of sound.

I had best results with it by quad-tracking, 2 tracks of my 5150 boosted w/the TC and 2 tracks boosted w/an OD820.

Definitely not a sound I'd want running the whole show, though (as far as how it makes guitars/your amps respond).

I'd actually like to try the Re-Issue of the 'bigger' model, just for shits and for a different kind of boost sound.
Here you go:

Don't see why there should be a problem posting it. It was available on the TC Electronic website along time ago.

If anyone makes a custom one, send me one :p

The circuit itself is quite easy. The only stuff that I don’t know if I’ll be able to buy in my country are the LM 741 A opamp and the transistors, but I’ll check it out and see what I can do.

EDIT: F*ck, add the negative logarithmic potentiometers to the "hard-to-get" list.
The circuit itself is quite easy. The only stuff that I don’t know if I’ll be able to buy in my country are the LM 741 A opamp and the transistors, but I’ll check it out and see what I can do.

EDIT: F*ck, add the negative logarithmic potentiometers to the "hard-to-get" list.

Dam those blasted negative logarithmic potentiometers! (theres a sentence i never thought i'd say)

I remember buying a few chips for my TC when it blew up once...and LM741 rings a bell but it may have been one of the other "bits". Anyway i just searched the part number on ebay...loads of results and only 20p per chip.