Message from Steve Smyth on


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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NEVERMORE guitarist STEVE SMYTH has been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease. Steve writes: "I do feel tired every now and again, but it feels no different than the way I have always felt. Maybe because I have had this for my entire life and not known it, and am therefore used to it. That's the funny thing I suppose about CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). You don't really know you have it, and as long as doctors detect it early, they can do something about it. As for how I feel mentally, I am upset about not being able to tour, which is something I still love to do, and something I think a lot of musicians out there take for granted. I love travelling, playing for people, meeting new faces, and seeing old familiar ones as well, seeing new places, and revisiting old ones! I am going to miss that a lot, and definitely cherish what I have experienced in my "metal" life so far, and can only hope I will be able to do more in the future. I also don't take for granted the time I have spent in various bands I have been in, including my time in VICIOUS RUMORS, TESTAMENT, DRAGONLORD and Nevermore. Many memories, a lot of great times, working with a ton of awesome musicians and incredible music industry people along the way, recording some killer metal albums, and a lot of great gigs/tours I'll never forget, getting to meet/share stages with my heroes, working with great musical instrument companies, and working with awesome guitar magazines, the list goes on and on! I will say this for now: I will fight this, and I will be back! If anyone out there has some information to share, or just wants to give a shout, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at"

Good luck Steve. Hope your back soon. Take Care.
Wow....imagine that..I have a very simillar situation..and it is not any fun...not at all...
Yea, :( for the past couple years I have'nt felt up too par, plus working myself to exhaustion and many other stresses in life in general. In November I ended up in the hospital in ICU for what they though was blood poisioning and was diagnosed much the same as Steve. It took a lot out of me mentally as well, but there was relief in knowing why I felt like walking death for so long.
Thankfully they said it won't have to go that far, having to totally change my diet and habits seems to be enough for now...*knocks on wood* and damn do I miss beer...
hmmmm...*ponders* that may have been what caused it ;) And relax, it was'nt that good. :p