Metal 2013

It's metal. The lyrics are hardly significant.

I know it's a piece of their MO and all, and they have acquired a whole lot of talent in the last couple years, but shit are those things annoying. It's metal. The lyrics are hardly significant.

Dude I was saying that SOM sucks fucking dick.

Same as Metal Blade.
If it wasn't for earache selling a flash drive for $160 a while back I might agree. Or the band The More I See... :Puke:
I'm confused as to what you are actually saying...

To Eligos.

To sum it up in 3 succinct statements:

- Season of Mist recently signed a number of bands that I listen to (Deathspell Omega and Ne Obliviscaris just off the tippy)

- Season of Mist releases stupid lyric videos whenever there's a new release they want to promote.

- Lyrics are not prominent in metal.

Seriously, I've been to about 30 metal shows in the last year. Can you name the last time an extreme metal band turned the microphone to the crowd? Even deafheaven doesn't do this, and for all intensive purposes, they are a post-hardcore band.

In the meantime, metalcore frontmen seem to think their lyrics are so important that they will teach a new audience what seems to be an entire chorus before they play their "hit song".
Extreme metal bands WONT turn the mic to the crowd, its not part of their live aesthetic. Where with metalcore/hardcore it is.

This however, doesnt imply their lyrics are not important.
Mind that a number of other genres of music do turn the mic toward the crowd, not just metalcore and hardcore. Funk, Soul, Pop, Reggae, Ska and Country all come to mind.

I'm not saying lyrics are not important in metal, they're just not prominent. They're de-emphasized.
- Lyrics are not prominent in metal.

Seriously, I've been to about 30 metal shows in the last year. Can you name the last time an extreme metal band turned the microphone to the crowd?

Wow. :erk: