Metal 2016

I'm so fucking excited. Not a huge fan of Mad Max: Fury Road but Furiosa was always it's saving grace and easily one of the coolest female protagonists invented in a long ass time. Deserves her own franchise to be honest, but regardless! Em Ruinas are back!

I went ahead and preordered the new Amon Amarth. I'm not expecting much but it was $7.99 on Amazon. Skipped the digibook for double the price because only really fancy labels like prophecy productions make truly nice digibooks. Big label ones are glossy and have like two pages that aren't just the lyrics.
Thoughts on new Verdehammer? I have heard positive things from unreliable sources -- it's streaming on Spotify but I haven't had time to check it out yet.
Thoughts on new Verdehammer? I have heard positive things from unreliable sources -- it's streaming on Spotify but I haven't had time to check it out yet.

I think its their best album so far. Pretty solid album. Been spinning quite a bit in this house.