Metal: A Headbanger's Journey...

Another cool documentary is 666 At Calling Death. I believe it is on youtube, terrible picture quality though.
It wasn't bad, but it didn't ask any interesting questions or offer any interesting information. It just runs over the basics in a fairly snoozy fashion, too unfocused and unprofessional. Also made metal look like music for rejects and retards (which it sort of is, but it didn't need to focus on that). Let me know when someone makes a metal documentary with some ambition and not just an apologist summary like this one was...
It wasn't bad, but it didn't ask any interesting questions or offer any interesting information. It just runs over the basics in a fairly snoozy fashion, too unfocused and unprofessional. Also made metal look like music for rejects and retards (which it sort of is, but it didn't need to focus on that). Let me know when someone makes a metal documentary with some ambition and not just an apologist summary like this one was...

I pretty much agree with you. As much as the film tried to break a lot of negative stereotypes that are associated with metal (which is commendable), it reinforced a whole bunch of others. Some parts of the film gave the impression that metal is for angsty, melodramatic teenage cunts. There may be some truth to that, but metal has the potential to go far beyond being stupid shit for dumb kids. It's unfortunate that the film didn't attempt to look at metal on a deeper level.
WTF? Faith got banned for what? ludicrous.

I PMed MetalAges, and he said it was because he posted racial comments on the chat forum which were deleted. He said, the ban will only last a couple of days, so Faith will be back soon.
I PMed MetalAges, and he said it was because he posted racial comments on the chat forum which were deleted. He said, the ban will only last a couple of days, so Faith will be back soon.

I viewed that discussion and I don't know what was so bad about it. He wasn't really that rude at all unless I missed something...