Metal Church


Gimmee Caffeine
Jun 4, 2002
A building somewhere in Sydney
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Who here has an opinion on Metal Church?

I own the live album (imaginatively entitled "Metal Church Live") ... and think that while it is very raw sounding it is a brilliant album. :rock:

I intend to get some more Metal Church - but where is a good place to start? I have seen various reviews on the web and none of them seem to be able to agree on much of anything :mad:

I may be looking in the wrong places but I cant find any Metal Church mp3's to sample which album to buy :( I did find some David Wayne solo mp3's though which sound pretty damn good....
The one with Badlands on it is the best! (Cant remember the name of it at the moment...)
I think you will dig Blessing In Disguise Blitzy, it should be available pretty cheap too :rock:
Metal church , The Dark, Blessing in Disguise, The Human Factor and Hanging in the Balance are all worth picking up. Couldn't tell you about any others after that.