METAL cupcakes - delivered to your hotel!


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
How awesome is this?!

Truly Great Cupcakes announced on their facebook page



Order via Facebook message or email
You will receive a confirmation email with details of how to pay for you order.
Once payment has been made you will receive another confirmation email with an order reference number.
You do not need to do anything else until you know your hotel room number, when you get to your hotel email or text us the room number with your reference number, then sit back and relax while we deliver your cupcakes straight to your door!
I love it! Aside from the potential for the sweet and gooey goodness of cupcakes, kudos to the bakery for a very smart marketing idea. I'm glad to see PP get some local love.

$25 for a dozen? ??
That's 1 Nana pie and whatever to drink at Varasano's and tip.

Though it is a good idea

Pardon me, but WTH is a "Nana pie"??

$25 is pretty comparable with other local bakeries, and the fact that they're delivered in Midtown's horrible traffic is definitely awesome. :)

Yeah, b/c they're totally the cupcake-type.

And I was just about to create a thread about this myself! Thank you for beating me to it!
Yes, the email was wrong on the original flyer, it has been amended and the graphics designer has been beaten ;P
The correct email address is , and please let us know if you would like a flavor that has not been listed, as I'm sure we can add it on for you!
That's why it would be fucking brutal and mostly hilarious.

Anyway, flavor combinations that'd work, if anyone cares.

Type of Frosting
(Type of Cake)

(Vanilla, Chocolate)

(Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemon)

(Vanilla, Lemon)

(Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemon)

$25 for a dozen? ??
That's 1 Nana pie and whatever to drink at Varasano's and tip.

Though it is a good idea

Hmmm... it's about $2.08 per cupcake if you get 12, and $1.67 if you get 24. So, not cheap, but priced comparably with a lot of specialty baked goods, plus it's delivered to you.
Hmm, I'll have to check with my roomie but what better way to stay up til 6 AM than on a sugar fueled cupcake bender? Now only if peanut butter/chocolate was an option.... ;)
You should totally name the flavors/combinations after the bands performing at the festival, by the way. That would make everything so much more epic... :lol: