Metal Marketing

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Sometimes when a band decides to go commercial they need to just go all out.

Lacuna Coil, for example, has clearly chosen to become as big as possible. Yet the fag-boys supporting the beautiful Christina Scabbie decided to continue looking like they want to be in a filthy nu-metal band. What would happen if some marketing whiz convinced the Lacuna Coil fag-boys to cut their hair short and proper, get rid of the random facial hair, and basically look like they could play guitar for Creed (back in the day).

I really think Lacuna Coil's "male" factor is bringing the band down. They are all trying to look like they play some "heavy shit", when they clearly don't. This is no dis to their music, just their image.

Clean that band up and I think American major labels would start to take a harder look. As it is now, they're just some European trash trying to make a few bucks in the States. Too bad Christina got stuck with their faggoty asses backing her up.

In the spirit of the thread title, how would some of you market other "metal" bands that appear to be abandoning the underground.
I cannot fucking stand how labels, hopefully not the band itself, use bands with female vocalists as a HUUUUGE marketing tool. Look at Lacuna Coil and Arch Enemy. You would think that the entire band revolved aroudn the chicks and that they write, compose, play, etc all the music. Every photo is focused on the female with the "other dudes" in the background somehwere. How pathetic. I feel bad for them "other dudes." The music sucks anyways...just sayin'.
Dragonforce are doing 100% of a good job being MEGAULTRAPOPULAR in America, and I approve of it highly.

I'm completely fucking baffled by it, but think its pretty cool.
:lol: ... i still think that the previous LC disc is a hell of a lot more commercial sounding and marketable than the snoozer that is the new one ... so ...not sure about the image ...
I listened to Comalies the other eve, in fact. While the labels do focus on the woman, it's really only an extension of the traditional label search for a "focus" on a frontman, so to speak. I'll bet you if you were to go back years, you'd find Vince Neil, for instance, as the focus on promo pics of Crue.

Admittedly, they are trying to market the sex appeal of Scabbia tho, and she knows it, and is a willing participant.

ref Dragonforce, they're a textbook example of marketing and hard hard fucking work. Their previous bassist, Adrian (not our adrian) is a guy I used to correspond with before he even joined the band, and he quit because it was just constant touring and he was away from his young family way too much.

Can someone tell me something...and I'm honestly curious...traditionally a record label and management were two different things. But do some labels do the management as well? Cause I see a band like nevermore, who aren't getting any younger, still doing 30 minute sets opening for Godsmack (although they do headline in europe) and I just don't get it. Is it cause the US is as much trend oriented as England, or is it just incompetence on behalf of management? L. Coil is being pimped hard, and they appear to be reaping the rewards.