Metal productions that rival 'The Big 3'

Well that's cool man, I completely dig that album too. I honestly don't see 'Death' as a Death Metal band though, whether or not they coined the genre. To me they sound like a more classic thrash metal act with slight progressive elements. To me, Decapitated, is in a whole different place... a place that gives me a large hard-on.

@Lasse: Hey man, the less Australian you can make them sound, the more grateful they will be!
Great thread! Although totally pointless from the standpoint of how subjective a mix is.

I love the music and production on all of Erms "big 3". Also TGCD as well.

I'd say the black album though. Huge fat drums, incredible guitars, brilliantly clear and layered vocals.
@Nebulous, I am not refering to the sound. I know, "Sound of perseverance" is not the best production, soundwise. I´m refering to:

but Organic is IMO, both the best technical death metal ever written...

From this viewpoint I answered. But to all I say, a big IMO is there and I also respect other opinions.
okie dokie smokey dopey

i bought it when it first came out and listened to it once through and put it on the shelf, then a few years ago and with the thread about it on here, i gave it a thorough listen and i still dont get what the fuss is about with that un!? dont get me wrong its still a good/great album, but nowt that i can hype aboput over!:)
It only hit me how great the Clayman production was a few years into doing engineering. I had the album since mid high-school, but I think I needed to get to a point with my hearing where I could really appreciate what was going on there. Now that I do... well it's possibly my very fave metal production of all time. It's all the proof to me that I need to go hybrid and get outboard gear happening (that and CLA's stuff).
I do like Stabbing the Drama, but the guitars sound like somebody did a 96kbps mp3 conversion on them! Well, maybe not that extreme, but something in the upper register bothers me..

TGCD and Watershed sound great to me! (well whaddayaknow, mr. Bogren did 'em both!)
Mors Principium Est's "The Unborn" has a GREAT production.

Damage Done by Dark Tranquillity.

Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia by Dimmu Borgir is also incredibly good sounding.

Those are my top 3 CDs anyway.
I would really like to say Slaughter Of The Soul as one of the greatest death metal productions ever. Fat as any modern-day production, with all the charm and bone chrushing qualities of the oldschool.
Isn't it kinda futile to try and determine which mix/production is the "best" in the world? That would mean music/mixing is about science and not art... and we all know it's not. If it was all about the science, then there would be a way to determine what is "best", scientifically, but when it's still some form of art, even though it's a very technical art, it's still art and that makes it totally meaningless to say that a mix is THE BEST. You can have your opinion about it, but you can't say that it is THE BEST mix, universally. :)

However, as we are already doing in this thread, we can say what we personally think is the best mix/prod so I'm gonna go ahead and do that too.

I'm not gonna list them in an order but my favorite productions (not just about the sound, but the overall experience from listening to it) are Gojira's FMTS, Decapitated's Organic, The Mars Volta's Frances the Mute and The Fall of Troy's Manipulator. There's just something cozy about those (yes I consider even Organic as "cozy") :)