Metal productions that rival 'The Big 3'

I cant believe Gojira's 'From Mars To Sirius' hasn't been mentioned. That album is not only mixed extremely well and full from the bottom of the spectrum to the top, but also the writing is amazing and heavier than dinosaur shit.

Fuck i hear ya brother!
I can read just fine simmer down buddy. :lol: No need to be a dick because you think your opinion is superior. Go on with your bad self.

Thanks for the rebuke. I'm not a dick just because I reply to you discrediting my post and ignoring the points I make. Opinion? And me superior? I said the albums are superior sounding in terms of lowend. That's not just an opinion. Listen to those albums and prove it to yourself, how can it be an opinion if anyone can test its validity? Even if it was "just" my opinion, it still is a fact, so my opinion and that fact are identical.
Here comes something 99% of people will disagree with:

From Mars To Sirius flat out sucks. Production wise and musically.


Wow, just wow... talk about throwing away an amazing album man, I can't believe ANYONE in the metal community would classify Gojira's FMTS to out right SUCK. I mean, sure, not liking it is one thing but saying it SUCKS... brings it on par with those MTV boy bands, you know? I'm shocked that anyone can say this... almost hurt! hahaha, no just kiddin'.

Here's what sucks for ya: Death metal bands that play the same goddamn arabic scale riff over and over again, throws in some chugga chugga, breakdowns, 32nd note triplet kick drums in every place where they couldn't come up with a more interesting riff, unclear bassy muddy vocals that try to go"br00tal" and then throwing in the occasional high pitch shriek while the drums most likely will go blast beating at that moment, etc etc.

Gojira is death metal by the roots, but notice how they aren't ANYTHING like what I just described... now THAT is innovating, good music.

Sorry man, had to go personal on this haha :D
Here's what sucks for ya: Death metal bands that play the same goddamn arabic scale riff over and over again, throws in some chugga chugga, breakdowns, 32nd note triplet kick drums in every place where they couldn't come up with a more interesting riff, unclear bassy muddy vocals that try to go"br00tal" and then throwing in the occasional high pitch shriek while the drums most likely will go blast beating at that moment, etc etc.

Sounds more like Suicide Silence to me..:Puke:
From Mars To Sirius flat out sucks. Production wise and musically.
The Way Of All Flesh is sickening in every single way though.


The only realy modern metal productions i can still listen to are probably:

Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon
Biohazard - State of the world adress
And As I Lay Dying - shadows Are Security (for overall balance its pretty good!)

Next that i have no big 3 actually... i'm listening and drooling over some Steve Albini and Kurt Ballou productions at the moment...
As much as I love From Mars To Sirius, I have to say that that mix is pretty wierd (alot of wierd mids).

Here's what sucks for ya: Death metal bands that play the same goddamn arabic scale riff over and over again, throws in some chugga chugga, breakdowns, 32nd note triplet kick drums in every place where they couldn't come up with a more interesting riff, unclear bassy muddy vocals that try to go"br00tal" and then throwing in the occasional high pitch shriek while the drums most likely will go blast beating at that moment, etc etc.

Dude, what "Death metal" have you been listening to? :lol: Sounds like a mix between Behemoth/Nile and random deathcore bands :p
Hehe Sickan, I'm just describing the majority of the deathcore bands out there that people praise, although it's the same shit as radio music in the sense that it's all predictable and written from the same recipe. Though, I'm not so familiar with deathcore so I just called 'em death metal instead :)
I had all that coming.
I knew that would rile people up >_<

I dunno, opinionated cuntishness aside, something about that album really doesn't gel with me.
I dig slow plodding shit, but fmts is like.. eh?

I don't know. It comes across as a tad contrived, like they set out to write it thinking LETS MAKE THIS SLOW AND PRODDING COS THATS BRUTAL where as the way of all flesh they just let it flow and it came out the same way, but in the end it's more genuine, if that makes any sense.
And on a side note, The Way of All Flesh has the best snare drum sound I've ever heard in my life.

Holy fuck.
Well, I was just amazed at the "suck" part of your bashing against Gojira. Haha, I kinda imagined all the hard work those guys had put into actually trying to make something of their own style, instead of just doing some singer/songwriter stuff you know, and then people in the metal community still say they SUCK... hahahaha, I just felt so sorry for them and... everything.

For anyone's information, I'm totally fine with people not liking Gojira because we all have different tastes, right, good, but the suck part... yea, it did dent my skin a bit :D

And I have to agree with the snare on TWoAF, not sure if it's the best I've personally heard but it sure as hell is nice... so fucking tight!
What about Fredrik (and Henkes) newier productions?? Such as Bring me the Horizon?? I'd really love that production, from the snare to the vocals to the guitars. Maybe i like i that much cause i was there when they recorded it?? ::goggly:
I had no expectations what so ever and those guys bleew my mind :D

Speaking of which dude, did you ever get a chance to ask Fredrik about the specifics of the sounds on Clayman - in particular the drums? I've always wondered what they involved, because they're such amazing core sounds!
And I just gotta say, I absolutely can't stand the guitars on "Clayman" (or "Sweet Vengeance" ;)), but I will begrudgingly say it's an incredible production (begrudgingly because guitar tone is of course my biggest criterion). Honestly, I guess it's the Fredman mic technique, but there's absolutely NOTHING of what I love most in a tone, bite/crunch/bark :erk:
I think Fredrik told me that they use Marshall Valvestate with 5150 and one more amp on Clayman. And i belive he told me that theres allot of real drums on the album light blended with samples.

Clayman is excellent work i most say though i dont care that much for In flames.
Haha, I have to admit that disclaimer was intended to keep you specifically from the thread, because I knew we'd engage in a circular debate.

And I know I'm super late to this thread, but thanks for this asshole - however, you were crazy if you thought it'd work! :goggly: