Top 30 Heavy Metal Albums of 2005

Kreator's Enemy Of God should be higher, it fucking owns. One of the best thrash albums of the last 15 years.

Demons & Wizards was one of my favourites of the year, and it got a few low mentions, and rated in some disappointment lists.

Soilwork's Stabbing The Drama was another favourite of mine. I understand why fans might have been disappointed with it, but as a stand alone metal album, it is awesome.

Kamelot's The Black Halo is fantastic, good to see that rated so well.

I really like Priest's newie, but I don't think I would be rating it that highly. Great album though.

Sentenced's Funeral Album is good stuff.

Dark Tranquillity's Character belongs in the top ten. Great album.

One guy rated Grand Magus - Wolf's Return as their number one. How stupid. Although he is the only person who rated Grave Digger's The Last Supper, so he must have some brains. The Last Supper is great.

Releases I am yet to hear:

Savage Circus are on my list of bands to check out.

Brucey's newie is on my list, but I want the Japanese version, so I have kept putting off getting it.

New Dream Theater is on my list as well. The songs I heard live sounded good though.

New Nevermore keeps getting rated so well, so I am even more keen to check it out when I can.
The new Nevermore isn't too shabby... The Primal Fear album is pretty cool...Dark Tranquillity's Character is awesome..Kamelot's The Black Halo is typical Kamelot, but still good. Bruce's new one is better than anything maiden has pulled out in recent times.Savage Circus's album is pretty good - very old BG. Good to see VP get a mention, even if it was from one of our own!

Oh, I also thought the new Demons and Wizards was a bit dissapointing.. Had some killer songs, but had a lot of fairly mediocre stuff.
The only song I don't get into on new D&W is The Gunslinger (which unfortunately was the sample getting around before the album can out, so it didn't paint a great picture...). Also, I would put the Immigrant Song cover on the bonus disc, and the fantastic Lunar Lament on the album. Every other song is awesome though.
Why so few replies I wonder.. I mean, isn't this the reason why we are all here (or at least why we came here originally)? To discuss metal?? So wouldn't metal album of the year be superdooper?

Well my excuse is that I don't buy too many albums anymore, especially not new releases from the 'big names'.

From that list I would construct my top 10 as;
1. Vanishing Point
2. Everything else.

That said, Exodus, Nevermore, Iommi/Hughes, Bruce, Primal Fear, Brand New Sin, and James LaBrie are all very good.

I've heard four of those. For me, that's pretty good! Bruce, Priest, Exodus and Kreator. At least, I think I heard Kreator. Maybe only three. Which is still pretty good for me. I thought the Priest album was very dissapointing. And Exodus and Kreator weren't my thing.
Blitzkrieg said:
I know, I was expecting more from this thread. There isn't even a reply from Gore, and he has heard EVERYTHING.

I've heard 22 of the albums on that list. I'm a huge fan of the new Nevermore and Priest albums, Mercenary, Immolation and Usurper were rather good also. I didn't overly like Kamelot that much, Brucey's album was OK, Arch Enemy's was disappointing, Helloween was OK too. Biomechanical should be much higher on the list: great fucking album. Candlemass was great, but Cathedral was much better and should be on the list. Dark Tranquillity's album was exceptional also.
Well, I could have rambled on for a few hundred more words and then concluded with a list of my own, but *shrugs*. I was quite surprised that Nile's album wasn't on the main list. I think I will post a list of my own a bit later actually.
I only have the Judas Priest, Opeth and Arch Enemy. All are good, but I haven't even finished listening to the Priest one yet.