Top 10 One Album Heavy Metal Wonders

Braighs said:
I'm? living in an ideological world?
You want everyone to speak the language you know.
Honestly, you sound like every white trash person I have ever met.

No dick...I work with hundreds of Latin Americans in my facility and a handful actually make an attempt to speak English...some of them have been here for 10-15 years and longer and it's still like pulling teeth to communicate. If you want to live and work in a country, isn't it fucking logical to make attempt to learn the language...or at least be sure that your children are on the right path instead of flooding our schools with non-english speaking kids to pull money and resources from everyone else? If you go to France or Japan, are you going to a special little class in school for the poor little English speaking kid? I highly doubt it?

Whit trash...that's do you know? What responsibilities do you have, how many kids do you have in the overpopulated school system fighting for a decent education?

Big words online as you sit in front of your computer in mommy's basement knowing so well the ways of the world and spending countless hours on Myspace.
I definitely agree with Cynic being the #1 one album wonder. I've been listening to that album a lot lately and I love it. It's a shame they didn't stay together.
illidurit said:
/!!\ racist scum alert /!!\
Why? Because he expects people in America to speak the language of record? If I were to move to a country that used a language other than english, I would surely learn their native language if I had any desire to succeed.
Prognostic said:
the girl in your sig is part latina. owned.
From what in that picture do you gather that she doesn't speak english? It isn't a race issue. It is a language issue. Owned.
Braighs said:
I'm? living in an ideological world?
You want everyone to speak the language you know.
Honestly, you sound like every white trash person I have ever met.
I wouldn't want everyone to speak the languages I know. I would prefer they just speak the language of record in the country they live in. If I lived in Brazil, you bet your ass I am going to learn Portugeuse(sp?).
What is so hard to understand about this?
illidurit said:
fact is, it's completely ridiculous to admonish someone for not knowing english
That maybe true however, it is not ridiculous to expect them to learn the language of the country they have moved to.
whatever, it is predicted that in about 15 years time over 60% of people in the US will be Latin so the language of record may soon change :p
Besides, the US doesn't have an "official" language. so everyone can speak whatever language they want.

Latin power is taking over your country man, i'm sorry, but it is. Embrace it, you'll like it. Lopez and Mendez are latin so that pwns you!
Currently, over 80% of people living in the US speak English. That # would significantly rise if the illegals living here were to leave or learn the language.
On May 18, 2006 the Senate voted on an amendment to an immigration reform bill that would declare English the national language of the United States. The immigration reform bill itself, S. 2611, was passed in the Senate on May 25, 2006,
fah-q said:
I wouldn't want everyone to speak the languages I know. I would prefer they just speak the language of record in the country they live in. If I lived in Brazil, you bet your ass I am going to learn Portugeuse(sp?).
What is so hard to understand about this?
I understand completely and I also would learn the new language. The issue, iirc, was that a person should not be FORCED to learn the new language. Of course if that means failing school or not getting anywhere in the workforce, that would be the individual's problem. I'm sure there are jobs, however, that only require basic or no communication. I have no problem with people opting to do this.