metal songs whose existence cannot be justified

Some aggro metal n00b has got his ears and eyes too full of gore and blood to offer meaningful opinions here. The band is trying create a kind of medievil village-like atmosphere in this song ( which is, after all, fantasy-based metal produced by one of the best Symphonic power metal bands out there) - and they used various relevant audible elements to effectively achieve this. I can easily imagine myself drunk with wine while dancing by a roaring campfire in village of Dwarves while listening to all this. The earlier Forest Of Unicorns song was also similar in nature, with the village and the dwarves being replaced by the woods filled with unicorns and fairies etc. Not all Metal needs to have lots of fast heavy riffs or screams etc to be great, and some bands (like this one) are more interested in creating atmospheric and adventurous themes within their songs than in how fast or hard they can rape their instruments. It might not be your cup of tea, which is fine, but it certainly doesn't qualify to be in this "worst metal" thread by any means because it's a unique and interesting style with plenty of flans and plenty room for growth as the use of technology and samplings etc ever increases in album production.:rock:
Or it could just the fact that Rhapsody sucks.

I hate this piece of shit, what is it doing on a Burzum album? Sounds like a retarded 12-year-old recorded it, it's embarrasing. What's more, it's always used to (mis)represent Burzum in black metal documentaries.
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Some aggro metal n00b has got his ears and eyes too full of gore and blood to offer meaningful opinions here. The band is trying create a kind of medievil village-like atmosphere in this song ( which is, after all, fantasy-based metal produced by one of the best Symphonic power metal bands out there) - and they used various relevant audible elements to effectively achieve this. I can easily imagine myself drunk with wine while dancing by a roaring campfire in village of Dwarves while listening to all this. The earlier Forest Of Unicorns song was also similar in nature, with the village and the dwarves being replaced by the woods filled with unicorns and fairies etc. Not all Metal needs to have lots of fast heavy riffs or screams etc to be great, and some bands (like this one) are more interested in creating atmospheric and adventurous themes within their songs than in how fast or hard they can rape their instruments. It might not be your cup of tea, which is fine, but it certainly doesn't qualify to be in this "worst metal" thread by any means because it's a unique and interesting style with plenty of flans and plenty room for growth as the use of technology and samplings etc ever increases in album production.:rock:

As my metal tastes fall all over the spectrum you are a long way off base with your assesment. I don't believe ever mentioning that all metal needs to have fast heavy riffs or screams in it. In fact I think all I did was post a video of a song I feel does not work for me in the context of a metal album.

Pull your jump-to-conclusions head out of your ass and pay more attention next time.
If you can't tell that's a joke, and obviously not something that belongs in this thread (CYTHRAUL ಠ_ಠ), then wow.
Dude, the thing is that it's really not clear whether or not it's a joke. It's certainly not marketed as a joke. There is a whole website and record label for it and a bunch of releases. If this is supposed to be a joke, then it's a pretty freaking elaborate joke. There are people out there who actually take this stuff seriously and think it's brilliant. I posted it with the assumption that it's presented as a serious work, and on that assumption it's awful. Otherwise it's just funny and confusing.

And here's more from presumably the same person/possible troll:

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Here is a band called Viraemia. They're from Arizona. I've seen them live a couple of times when they were opening up for better bands. These guys are the epitome of completely forgettable, weak ass, cheesy, masturbatory modern tech death. I hate this band so much. There is no direction or point to their music at all other than to demonstrate how fast they can move their fingers. Oh and their bassist plays a bass that has like 100 strings on it. Whoa man, totally rad.

Somebody explain to me what's redeeming about this.
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VIRAEMIA FUCKING SUCKS. Absolute SHIT. I tend to like tech death when it's fucking good, but Viraemia are absolutely trash.

edit: That Xynfonica song is my new jam. Shit is cash.
I want there to be animal calls in that Xylophonica thing. How about a random bit of double bass n some death rolls too?
in before Pantera

Anything from this album:

I really like industrial metal like White Zombie and shit, but this is just a fucking travesty
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That album is nowhere near as bad as the level of stuff posted so far.

Hmmm, I dunno. It sounds pretty damn awful to me.

I wonder if that band is intentionally trying to sound goofy as fuck, because they're doing a damn good job of it.

If this had been some other band, people would think this is good.

Really? It's pretty bad even for 80s buttrock or whatever the hell it's trying to be.