
you never replied to my post, wes. I'm disappointed.

ok ok fine. you are making a distinction between two kinds of retarded metalheads -

1. what you call "deaf dolts" who don't give a shit about other music because they just love metal so much

2. people who "genuinely try" to get into other music but still can't

so what it comes down to is that people in category 1 are awful people destined for a life of failure, and people in category 2 are teenagers who will grow out of it
lol bang. give the folks here a break. they are still frequenting um after all.

if you're in a certain mood, there isn't quite a substitute for albums like transylvanian hunger, filosofem, nattens madrigal etc. within classical music, jazz, rock or electronica. but it's sad if some guys just have one mood.
lol bang. give the folks here a break. they are still frequenting um after all.

if you're in a certain mood, there isn't quite a substitute for albums like transylvanian hunger, filosofem, nattens madrigal etc. within classical music, jazz, rock or electronica. but it's sad if some guys just have one mood.

exactly. there's also a time where you just can't listen to metal. I know that in most cases, I now have to be in a certain mood to even want to throw on most metal albums.

it's the same with being in a certain mood to listen to metal, especially classic albums (within the confines of metal, extreme metal in particular) where you have to be in that mood to listen to something like filosofem, th, or nattens madrigal.

but I will have to concede that he's correct really. if your playlist consists of nearly 100% metal, then you're obviously quite retarded ttytt. I mean, personally I find myself listening more now to an album like bitches brew or animals or first utterance, rather than an album like tomb of the mutilated or domination.
Yay for defining absolutes within an entirely subjective form of art... Tell me, is there some universal law that governs the definition of musical talent? Nope, only individual perceptions.

You also seem to throw the whole metal genre into one box... I have a feeling you haven't bothered listening to much of the more diverse and eclectic stuff out there. There are more talented bands out there than Metallica(ugh), Sabbath, and Opeth you know.
Yay for defining absolutes within an entirely subjective form of art... Tell me, is there some universal law that governs the definition of musical talent? Nope, only individual perceptions.

individually perceive this: you're a boring pussy if you believe this

ok ok fine. you are making a distinction between two kinds of retarded metalheads -

1. what you call "deaf dolts" who don't give a shit about other music because they just love metal so much

2. people who "genuinely try" to get into other music but still can't

so what it comes down to is that people in category 1 are awful people destined for a life of failure, and people in category 2 are teenagers who will grow out of it

You do realize that this website is The Ultimate Metal Forum, right? Why the fuck are you posting here then? Just trying to stir up trouble with stupid postings. Who's the dolt? Get a life, troll.
ok guys here is my long overdue treatise on heavy metal. basically what it comes down to is that 99.99999999% of it is absolutely terrible, and there are only a few classic bands that are actually worth listening to. so i won't deny that i enjoy some metallica, sabbath, opeth, etc. from time to time. but these people on this forum that basically listen to 100% metal are completely retarded.

ok well obviously if you are a teenager then you are excused for being a little naive, i mean when i was in high school i listened to a lot of metal bands. but the point is I GREW OUT OF IT. i can't even believe these 20-somethings (not to mention 30-somethings and above) that actually still listen to and respect metal like it's some kind of serious music.

this kind of brings me around to a point i have about the music listening habits of the entire world population. that is, people tend to like what they liked when they were teenagers, for their whole lives. we all know the baby boomer parent types that only listen to buffalo springfield and mountain and whatever. in comparison - for many people my age, metal was the music we loved during our formative high school years. and this is fine. every kid is an idiot, and since we are easily swayed by trends and other people's dumb opinions during these years, we usually like shitty music.

the thing is, people like me have learned that there are other worlds of music out there that simply put metal to shame. i simply cannot understand how somebody could be exposed to such extraordinarily mind-expanding musicians as bob dylan, neil young, the rolling stones, john coltrane, j.s. bach, and beethoven, and STILL want to listen to metal. literally the only reason i listen to metal these days is for an occasional dose of nostalgia.

the only conclusion i can draw from this is that people above the age of say, 20, who still list above 50% of their favorite bands as metal bands, are musically stunted. these people do not have the capacity to appreciate music. but naturally they don't realize this about themselves - they think they are the best musical critics they know. and it is impossible to persuade them otherwise - somewhat akin to trying to persuade a fundamentalist mormon that there is no god. nothing you can put into words will have any effect on them whatsoever.

but of course, they will staunchly defend their love of the world's most self-parodic genre. but don't worry - i've heard all the arguments in the book. and here's the thing - i'm someone who has been there and back. i KNOW why people like metal. because i kinda do, in a way. but i've realized that it is nothing more than a fun, kitschy alternative to real music.

thank you for your time.

Wow, lots of totally new, fresh ideas and thoughts! Thank you for the enlightment.

You know what's even more retarded than being a 100% serious metalhead? Being so self-centered like you and making a f**** thread about your oh-so-interesting taste in music. Big deal, man.
you can't take any other genre seriously because 99,9% of all genres are unsophisticated crap... you should listen to artists, not genres.

The best reply in this thread. It just so happens that most of the artists that I listen mostly play the metal genre.