Metalcore How-To (may post DIs 'n stuff!)

Your sound is somehow special, which is good imo!
The riffs are killer too I definitely hear a veil of maya influence :)
May I ask what you used for the drums?
May I ask what you used for the drums?
SSD Platinum for OHs, Chango FOP Snare, bl00d kit from the sturgis store for kick and toms. not much processing at all, slight OH compression, low cut for the snare (haha) and multiband compression on the toms (simply the cubase preset for toms).

I'll post the files tomorrow or something, need to find some time for exporting :)
... are you that guy from the musiker-board forum who do this thing on guitar pro ?
Anyone wants to mix your track. :D

My thoughts on mix: sometimes it's distorted by the limiting I suppose (you can easily hear that on kick hits), guitars are transparent. May bring more thickness to them, if you'd like to. Cool SFX and nice melody, really liked the vibe.