Metalcore How-To (may post DIs 'n stuff!)

I know, i also did that. But what´s with the tempo drops? should we leave those untouched? I tried it yesterday and just couldn´t get it to lock in.

I guess the idea of someone re-uploading the midi map with the correct tempo in it would be super awesome!

You take out all the tempos that the drums bring with them and you should be able to do like a gradual drop and increase with a tempo envelope.
I even tried opening in GUITAR PRO, EXPORTING DRUMS midi, loaded into reaper, sure the tempos were as OP listed (there were even gradual tempo changes, but not a fixed gradual tempo change, just manually inserted tempo changes) and it didnt work out, Drums in MIDI (particular part in the song) start at 37 bar, but in the wavs it starts at bar 38. Weird.
noone comments my mix :((

@muppfel : how do you mix to have a nice fx sound blend with snare in electro part? that part is very sweet
I even tried opening in GUITAR PRO, EXPORTING DRUMS midi, loaded into reaper, sure the tempos were as OP listed (there were even gradual tempo changes, but not a fixed gradual tempo change, just manually inserted tempo changes) and it didnt work out, Drums in MIDI (particular part in the song) start at 37 bar, but in the wavs it starts at bar 38. Weird.

That's because the tempos in GP are the same as the ones attached the drums. The manually inserted tempo changes don't work. It has to be done with a tempo envelope. I know most DAWs have it.
The tempo changes you've posted don't do it for me. I've deleted all of the tempo content that came with the MIDI and inserted the changes that you have said here. Do you mean measure 1 with reference to the MIDI track start? Or when the playing begins? Can you import the MIDI you've given us to your project and verify that the track start is at measure 1 beat 1 or not? Some DAWs tack an extra beat or measure here or there at the beginning of bounces.