Metalcore How-To (may post DIs 'n stuff!)

OP is sorry :/

everything's in there, should be easy. The bass is actually just trilian, I exported it as audio if somebody doesn't have a decent plugin for that... oh and watch out with the drums, the kick is completely doubled (caused by my guitar pro writing-behaviour :D). and I also included a GP-File for reference - If you're german, look at the file and read the comments throughout the song, pure sarcasm :D

sorry again, I hope everything's fine with that stuff (except bad playing, a buttload of bad cutting and a very obvious mistake on the right rythm-track at the beginning, just ignore that please :D)

let's see what you guys make with this <3
Could you just list off the tempos and which measure they're on?

yeah sure!

everything's 4/4 unless i'll write something different down there

1 - 190
17.3 -190 > 18 - 130
22.3 - 130 > 23 - 100
26 - 100 > 27 - 190 // bar 27 is 2/4!
190 till the end

like this? :)