Hey DM, thanks a ton for recommending Deadlock, seriously. Their new one is currently my second favorite of this year. I can't wait to buy it when it comes out!
Anytime, glad you like them.
Sebina's vocals are amazing

Hey DM, thanks a ton for recommending Deadlock, seriously. Their new one is currently my second favorite of this year. I can't wait to buy it when it comes out!
Yeah I like her a LOT. I usually don't like female vocalists (clean at least) in metal, but they fit her in real well. Say, have you heard Raunchy's Death Pop Romance? It comes HIGHLY recommended to you, seriously. It was released last year on Lifeforce.
Didn't their producer write and record some of the solos on that album?
Did you just make that up? No. He didn't.
The band Parkway Drive that I posted about are also Aussie, and darn good stuff at that. Until now (with this band you just posted!) they were the only Aussie-core I'd ever heard...cheers!