
Living in Plymouth, Metalcore and Hardcore is the thing around here. Everyone goes to shows by hardcore and metalcore bands from all around the south shore; that is the south shore's main musical thing. I often go, because there are never any good metal shows around.

Here is a band from good ol' plymouth itself. They have gained some fame over the years, and have placed in top spots in competitions to play in Ozzfest and Warped Tour. GREAT live shows. I can't help but support this band, being from my town and all. Listen to the myspace songs, but you have never really experienced them until you have gone to one of their blacklight, strobe light, dark, colorful, highlighter water filled, trippy ass shows. White jumpsuits and shit. And their debut album, Together We All... was great too.

[/metalcore rant]
I just joined, asshole. Anyone who likes lamb of god is retarded and gay. It doesnt matter how many posts i have. By the way dude, truce. I saw you tell off that faggot in the power metal is not gay thread (you know, the one who called the thread gay)...or at least i think it was you who told him off...bad memory.

Dude just respect the fact that i think metalcore is gay.

Holy fuck dude. Shut up and/or die, right now. You just used the word gay like 800 times in two or three posts. Shape up, or you're out. Seriously.
KSE's singer is pretty decent and charismatic, but the instrumentals are boring and generic as fuck.

But one band I could never stand was Shadows Fall. It all sounds so forced and artificial. The antithesis of everything I look for in metal. This goes for a lot of metalcore.
Shadows Fall is alright to me. Nothing special, but better than other metalcore bands. What's-his-face needs to shave off his ridiculous-looking pig-tail dredds and start looking like a human. Then again, these days, shaving your whole head off gets you more publicity and exposure than saving a cancer patient.
No. Phil Labonte is probably one of the best vocalists in metal right now.

I find it really hilarious that you are talking about annoying vocalists when you listen to mostly brutal death metal.
Not sure. I don't listen to enough brutal death to know who that is.

EDIT: The guy from Kataklysm. Note how I said BRUTAL DM and not just regular DM?

I don't see Frank Mullen pulling of Labonte's vox though.