The Holocaust Incarnate
I personally love Black Dahlia Murder, one of the few deathcore/ATG-ette bands I like. Nocturnal's a solid release for sure, though the vocals are a bit weaker this time around.
city of evil is fun to listen to if youre high as hell, just cause of all the leads, otherwise it gets kinda boring
waking the fallen is awesome
i have a feeling their new cd is gonna suck big time
who wants to admit they like avenged sevenfold? I dig em.
Maybe some people like hardcoreI just don't understand why someone who was into real metal would feel the need to listen to this bizarre compromise style of music
I agree with you.I dont find As I Lay Dying to be all that bad. Flame me.
I just don't understand why someone who was into real metal would feel the need to listen to this bizarre compromise style of music
I just don't understand why someone who was into real metal would feel the need to listen to this bizarre compromise style of music
The way I see it, all of you are fuckin overtly opinonated tools. Running around judging what others listen to, honestly go get fucked. I don'y fuckin care what other individuals think of a bertain style of music, nobody deserves to be "flamed" for listening to music that is "unpopular" within a community. ie, metalcore. I say go ahead and listen to whatever you want and fuck what everybody else thinks.