
^ Suit yourself. You are missing out on one hell of an album then. I'm not saying all their material is great but A Celebration of Guilt rules. I thought you didn't like any metalcore:u-huh:
Ok, I've seen this metalcore thread floating about for some time, so I have to address that. This will no doubt piss off several of the members here (my apologies), but I think most metalcore is bullshit. It's the pheonix risen from the ashes of nu-metal: lowest-common denominator (read: dumbed down) musicality, fashion-conscious values, contrived "aggro" flourishes (particularly as regards the vocals) and scene-points posturing. Granted, I'm biased: I played in a melodic death metal band in Nashville that was stuck in the metalcore scene that thrived there once upon a time (before all the 'core kids went metal themselves - ha!), and every member of said scene was a self-righteous prick. So, yes: I don't like the fans, I don't like the scene (white studded belts; black, wispy hair; goofy, tribal piercings; tight pants; stupid ninja dancing - who needs a fucking scene anyway?). But above all, I don't like the music.

I can hear you all asking right now, "Ok, great, but who does this guy think he is coming into this thread ranting and raving about something he doesn't even like in the first place?" Well, metalcore is an issue that needs addressing regarding the current state of metal and, most importantly, its future. In my opinion (I've got one and I'm entitled to it), metalcore is an exit off the darkened highway that is extreme music that needs either heavy maintenance, a complete overhaul, or decommissioning. It is not somewhere that metal is going: it is somewhere from which metal should be escaping. I look at it as the natural successor of other commercialized strands of metal throughout the genre's history: there was hair metal/glam metal (I hate the terms as much as any of you) in the 80s; nu-metal (or rap metal, or disaffected urban white kid metal) followed in the 90s; and butt metal/white trash metal (the repulsive, mongoloidal branch of metal that dominates rock radio today) runs alongside metalcore today. It just seems too mass-palatable to me: processed angst tailor-made to fill the slot for rebellious fifteen year-olds that other offshoots did in the past. Not to mention that it all sounds the same to these ears. I don't like hardcore/indie ethos sullying up my metal.

I guess what I'm getting at is this: what do you think metalcore is contributing to metal, if anything at all? Is it helping or hurting metal? Am I unfairly generalizing, or do I have a point? Am I stuck in the past and afraid of progression, if metalcore can be called as such?

Mind you, I'm not trying to start arguments, and I'm certainly not trolling. I'm merely expressing my opinion and I genuinely want to get a look at the perspective of those metalheads out there that like metalcore. I really want to see what V.V.V.V.V. thinks.
I think the problem that you've gotten yourself into is using the more mainstream poppy bands to base your judgments on something that is almost as varied as select metal genres itself. While I myself dislike the vast majority of the self-rightous vegancore bullshit bands that do nothing but rip off At the Gates and modern hardcore I have nothing but the utmost respect for bands that break away from that mold and actually attempt to do something relatively (or in some cases considerably) original with the style.

I think you would very much find some appreciation for the style of music if you kept your exposure limited to the earlier forms of the music with bands like Integrity, Overcast, early Converge, and perhaps Ringworm.

They were certainly cut from a different cloth and creed than the fashioncore bands of today.

And even then I find that there are metalcore bands from today that are doing absolutely fantastic things that do stray quite far from the typicalities of the style.

Case in point, Buried Inside. Sludge based metalcore with an album based around the concept of time. Absolutely fantastic.
Fuck off with the self-righteous "what is metalcore doing to further metal" bullshit. Seriously, it sounds really stupid. What is black metal doing to further metal? The bands actually doing the furthering will further things regardless of "evil metalcore" and its oh-so-evil breakdown based songwriting. Goddamnit.
In terms of what metalcore contributes; it could easily act as a "gateway" to real metal, much like some of the heaviest nu-metal bands. It seems that many metalheads a bit younger than me got into metal via nu-metal or metalcore (nu metal and metalcore were not yet around when I got into metal).
Could very well be. The nu metal through which many metalheads also got into metal is shitty as well. I know there is good metalcore out there, but the contemporary metalcore scene is just saturated with shit (though I supposed you can make the same argument for other genres as well).
Fuck off with the self-righteous "what is metalcore doing to further metal" bullshit. Seriously, it sounds really stupid. The bands actually doing the furthering will further things regardless of "evil metalcore" and its oh-so-evil breakdown based songwriting. Goddamnit.

Calm down. There's nothing self-righteous in what I said. Also, I distinctly remember writing something to the effect of "I'm not trying to put anybody's panties in a wad," so don't take a patronizing tone with me. I mean, for fuck's sake: it's an internet forum. Also, I take issue with the fact that you took one sentence out of my post to blast to hell instead of actually providing me with feedback, like I asked (and politely I might add).

Mort Divine:

I like some metalcore. Older metalcore. Integrity's Those Who Fear Tomorrow is great, as is Converge's Petitioning the Empty Sky. I don't know if the Dillinger Escape Plan are metalcore, or if they ever were, but their Calculating Infinity has been a favorite of mine since I was 16. I'm also partial to Agnostic Front, especially their early and mid-era work. One Voice arguably set the standard for alot of the metalcore that was to come during the 90s (Hatebreed, Madball, etc.) As dumb as they are, I even like Hatebreed and their first, Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire.

What I don't like is the metalcore that started popping up in the early 00s: Atreyu, Bleeding Through, Eighteen Visions, and all the bands of their ilk that saturate the genre. That's why I think it sucks: there seems (to me) to be more shitty bands than good ones, as opposed to something like death metal where there are loads and loads of quality bands. Granted, it could be that I'm just not familiar with good metalcore, or I'm generalizing because I don't like the scenes that tend to develop around it. Either way, the "fashioncore" that you mentioned certainly needs to stop.
I actually think you're thinking about more of the hardcore/screamo bands rather than actual good, legitimate metalcore. There's a reason those 2 genres have no form of the word metal in them. Look at some of the bands in my sig such as Through the Eyes of the Dead and As Blood Runs Black, and one that's not All Shall Perish, all undeniably metalcore, but a lot easier respected than the bands you're thinking of.
I hate the karate kicking queer scene as much as you do, but the heavier metalcore bands, I can't deny that I enjoy their music... and a lot of the musicians involved aren't promoting that scene.

What do I see in metalcore? I like the sound, period. I personally think it is a branch off of metal, and it is the only one growing rapidly atm.
If you just listen to the genre without a "metal" bias, I think there is a lot to be enjoyed from metalcore (and this is coming from someone who didn't listen to metalcore prior to getting into metal).
If you just listen to the genre without a "metal" bias, I think there is a lot to be enjoyed from metalcore (and this is coming from someone who didn't listen to metalcore prior to getting into metal).

It seems that that's probably what I'm doing: being a close-minded, uneducated purist prick who's extrapolating from a handful of shitty bands to a genre as a whole. I just can't stand to see people do karate in Emperor shirts.