
Haggard: in your post it didn't seem like you really wanted answers and were actually being quite patronizing towards metalcore. You continuously stated silly and absurd claims like "metalcore is an exit off the darkened highway that is extreme music" and "it is somewhere from which metal should be escaping" which just sound genuinely stupid and seem to be arguments from ignorance. Now I know you actually ARE ignorant of metalcore, but you can definitely phrase it in a less ridiculous way if you actually want feedback. A tip is to not put things in a way that spews so much vitriol and then say "but I'm not trying to troll or start arguments." I hope you understand what I'm saying.

Personally, I don't think metalcore is doing anything wrong. Sure, there is shit and there is awesome...this is in every goddamn genre ever. It just so happens that the shit is the most popular and thus most easily representative of the style. Now, I like some "gay" metalcore with pop/"emo" (research this term, first of all) sensibilities, but I'm also a firm believer that there is some fucking brutal metalcore out there which can rival if not surpass the intensity (subjective, I know) of a lot of death and black metal. I dislike the whole "it's killing metal" attitude because it's whiny and doesn't really do anything realistically. Taking that attitude is like a cop-out towards what metalcore really is, which is a style of metal unfairly judged by its flagstaff "pioneers". I'm glad to see you like some of the earlier stuff using the term, but I'm here to say that there are a lot of GREAT bands from Europe and the US who play metalcore in a modern yet challenging and musically progressive (to an extent) way. To claim that this kind of music is killing metal is extremely melo-dramatic and borderline absurd; it's not like metalcore bands are actively ruining metal by going to death metal shows and pissing on people or something.
It seems that that's probably what I'm doing: being a close-minded, uneducated purist prick who's extrapolating from a handful of shitty bands to a genre as a whole. I just can't stand to see people do karate in Emperor shirts.

I can't either, but that's not music-related.
Yes, my girlfriend bought me Gold Becomes Sacrifice for Christmas, though I previously had the mp3s. They are waaay too friggin' unknown, and also way too friggin' awesome.
just listened to the downfall by Belay my last, very crushing album, and i love how diverse it is. lots of influence by bands like despised icon and btbam.

anybody else checked this out?
Is that to say, then, that there are metalcore bands out there who don't compose strictly around the breakdown? Give me examples. Recommend me things. I'm beginning to think I don't even know the first thing about newer metalcore, given that I'm being told that bands that suck (Bleeding Through, Atreyu, etc.) aren't representative of the genre.
Is that to say, then, that there are metalcore bands out there who don't compose strictly around the breakdown? Give me examples. Recommend me things. I'm beginning to think I don't even know the first thing about newer metalcore, given that I'm being told that bands that suck (Bleeding Through, Atreyu, etc.) aren't representative of the genre.

Pretty much all metalcore is composed around the breakdown, just some bands have hell of a lot better and heavier breakdowns. To me, the metalcore breakdown is kind of a replacement for the solos of other heavy metal genres (though some metalcore bands still incorporate them). The 2 bands you have listed there are in no way indicative of the genre. Atreyu is not even metalcore, they're at best screamo, but most of us just call them gay. Bleeding Through is on the fringes of metalcore, but they're one of the 5 worst metalcore bands in existence imo. Just listen to some of the bands that V5 posts about, he knows the best of the genre, pretty much. After listening, you'll probably garner more respect for the genre, whether you like it or not.
Pretty much all metalcore is composed around the breakdown, just some bands have hell of a lot better and heavier breakdowns. To me, the metalcore breakdown is kind of a replacement for the solos of other heavy metal genres (though some metalcore bands still incorporate them). The 2 bands you have listed there are in no way indicative of the genre. Atreyu is not even metalcore, they're at best screamo, but most of us just call them gay. Bleeding Through is on the fringes of metalcore, but they're one of the 5 worst metalcore bands in existence imo. Just listen to some of the bands that V5 posts about, he knows the best of the genre, pretty much. After listening, you'll probably garner more respect for the genre, whether you like it or not.

i wouldnt say all metalcore is based around the breakdown. it would seem that way listening to the genre a year or so ago, but the genre has evolved. alot of bands are putting more emphasis on the songwriting aspect now, and are using more influence from more respectable bands and writing less repetative, less recycled riffs.

bands like bleeding through, trivium, and norma jean that had a cheesy less metal sound to them arent the "rulers" of the genre anymore. now bands like black dahlia murder, and between the buried and me are writing music that keeps the good elements of metalcore alive, but not so much influenced by the breakdown, and even the breakdowns that bands come up with these days are at least original for the most part
I disagree that TBDM and BTBAM are keeping metalcore alive. There is a super-living and usually super-awesome German/Euro in general scene that half of these faggot American scene kids don't even know about :p

Maroon WHO!?
Try branching out more. As I Lay Dying is a rather poor example of what the genre has to offer.

Try these:

Faust Again
7 Angels 7 Plagues
Fear My Thoughts
Parkway Drive
Heaven Shall Burn
The Concubine

This is for anyone willing to check out metalcore beyond the shit bands (that means you Haggard). :p
i wouldnt say all metalcore is based around the breakdown. it would seem that way listening to the genre a year or so ago, but the genre has evolved. alot of bands are putting more emphasis on the songwriting aspect now, and are using more influence from more respectable bands and writing less repetative, less recycled riffs.

bands like bleeding through, trivium, and norma jean that had a cheesy less metal sound to them arent the "rulers" of the genre anymore. now bands like black dahlia murder, and between the buried and me are writing music that keeps the good elements of metalcore alive, but not so much influenced by the breakdown, and even the breakdowns that bands come up with these days are at least original for the most part

That's why I said pretty much, because there are quite a few who don't, but the majority do.

Also, Norma Jean would be a top metalcore band if they had stayed with O God, The Aftermath type material... instead they put out that crap new album. I bought that expecting it to be good, and I only found like 2 quality songs on it. Disappointment.
That's why I said pretty much, because there are quite a few who don't, but the majority do.

Also, Norma Jean would be a top metalcore band if they had stayed with O God, The Aftermath type material... instead they put out that crap new album. I bought that expecting it to be good, and I only found like 2 quality songs on it. Disappointment.

O God, The Aftermath is awesome.
I think I asked this before but has anyone heard the new The Concubine? It sounds a little bit more like technical death metal than metalcore but, damn, it is SO fucking good.
That's why I said pretty much, because there are quite a few who don't, but the majority do.

Also, Norma Jean would be a top metalcore band if they had stayed with O God, The Aftermath type material... instead they put out that crap new album. I bought that expecting it to be good, and I only found like 2 quality songs on it. Disappointment.

i assumed norma jean were shit, but after you mentioned that i noticed the only song i heard that i liked by them was on O god, the aftermath. i have high hopes for this cd now haha