
Honestly listening to that Maroon song I'm pretty much hearing KSE with some extra metal mixed in, which isn't a bad thing (Alive or Just Breathing is a pretty cool album) but like a lot of this modern metalcore stuff it kind of lacks its own identity. I far prefer the videos Satanastoenail posted (with Converge and Botch being easily the best out of those).

Also, Nation of Ulysses kick ass.
black dahlia murder are good! some others if they havent been mentioned are "bring me the horizon" and "the devil wears prada"
Well, considering appearance is not a musical trait, wouldn't it be safe to assume that APPEARANCE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT GENRE A BAND FALLS UNDER.
Are you sure your ears work? :lol:

Well I went and listened to it again to make sure and seriously, you can't hear it? Like, at all? The vocalist could (apart from the lack of clean singing) be the same guy off Alive or Just Breathing, and yeah the riffs are faster and a bit more death metally but I really hear the same kinds of melodies and even chord progressions.

The problem I have with these kinds of bands is that you think you can tell straight away where their riffs come from. The bits of that Maroon song that don't evoke KSE either sound like they were pulled straight from a Meshuggah record or Slaughter of the Soul (just sped up a bit). I mean yeah sure not everything has to be revolutionary but damn it why not listen to the bands who were at least creative enough to wrap their plagiarism in original wrapping. This is the same problem I have with Between the Buuried and Me, I have been convinced to buy their last two album and I will never forgive the bastards who recommended them to me (since I couldn't even take their last one back).'s called influence. Look how many trad doom bands effectively rip off Sabbath, look how many death bands steal riffs from other earlier death bands or have similar songs or structures. It's not strange that bands play similar or even the same riffs. That's called tribute. TBH I do hear the similarities of course, I'm not deaf at all, but the artistic aim and goal is completely different and the context isn't even close to the same so I don't mind as much.
On another topic, anyone here like 'Sikth'? Fucking incredible band. Along the lines of Lye By Mistake, really fusion/jazzy metalcore with eclectic influences and vocals, and outlandishly technical playing.

Yeah of course, Sikth are amazing...Death of A Dead Day and The Trees Are Dead & Dried Out, Wait For Something Wild
I saw Lye By Mistake open for BTBAM (incredible show) at the Reverb last Thursday, and yeah they're all insane musicians. The guitarist's playing style is SO Holdsworth, so I loved it. Met the singer after their set too, really nice guy.

I'm currently addicted to Converge - Jane Doe. Excellent album!

Yes, Converge. That's a classic. You've gotta love No Heroes as well.