
Who the fuck cares who listens to what as long as you like it -.-.

Why do you care what other people listen to? Just because they are a fag, and they listen to it, doesn't mean you are... This generalization that 1 genre = this way of life / dress / etc. is retarded. Same thing people say "only people with long hair = metal" << retarded also.

I just don't like seeing dudes in girl pants and eyeliner. I mean, act like a fucking man or get a goddamn sex change you flaming queerbait.
I just don't like seeing dudes in girl pants and eyeliner. I mean, act like a fucking man or get a goddamn sex change you flaming queerbait.

I agree there, but I don't see many of those types of people listening to what I do :), and even if they did, I'd stil love the music.

Go Go Mors Principium Est / Eternal Tears of Sorrow!

Im 100&#37; sure those types of people will never even hear of my type of bands :)
I just don't like seeing dudes in girl pants and eyeliner. I mean, act like a fucking man or get a goddamn sex change you flaming queerbait.

I wear girl pants. No eyeliner or any of that gay stuff though, just semi long (just beneath my chin) hair and black metal shirts.

I am the only person I know that can pull off skin tight girl pants and a Burzum or Emperor shirt. :kickass:
Who wears girl pants!! Thats sad lol... anyways im probably the only guy in this forum who wears Surf shit, yes I live in FL, yes I do surf, and yes I wear AE also lol, (played sports for 17 years), and I have short hair. So kill me now right because im not in the stereotypical Metal fashion -.-. I do wear band shirts like EToS/SuidAkra, and gamer shirts from like pwnSTAR etc. :)
homophobe?? haha

most gays I've met are the most narcisstic, shallow self-absorbed pieces of shit in the world. no thanks.

so 3 gay guys you have met represent all gay people all across teh world???

it's only a silly stereotype that gay guys are feminine and what not, there are 10 or 11 gay guys on and they are all very reasonable, intelligent, and good posters for the most part (and are pretty manly)
so 3 gay guys you have met represent all gay people all across teh world???

it's only a silly stereotype that gay guys are feminine and what not, there are 10 or 11 gay guys on and they are all very reasonable, intelligent, and good posters for the most part (and are pretty manly)

its not even about being effeminate, gays seem think they're so "hip" and "trendy" and "witty". the whole shtick gets old after awhile. I mean, we get it, you're gay. no one cares....
its not even about being effeminate, gays seem think they're so "hip" and "trendy" and "witty". the whole shtick gets old after awhile. I mean, we get it, you're gay. no one cares....

and straight people are alot different??

what about wiggers, emos, poseurs, etc...

gay people are no different than anybody else outside of their sexual orientation
and straight people are alot different??

what about wiggers, emos, poseurs, etc...

gay people are no different than anybody else outside of their sexual orientation

wiggers are a disgrace to both black and white people

emos are just pretentious

poseurs, well, thats kinda vague.
Grinder, have you ever even met a gay person? Christ on a crutch, man, get a clue.

My home town is known for it's gay-friendly community, so needless to say I know quite a few people who are gay. Guess what- they're the same as everyone else. But gay.
Grinder, have you ever even met a gay person? Christ on a crutch, man, get a clue.

My home town is known for it's gay-friendly community, so needless to say I know quite a few people who are gay. Guess what- they're the same as everyone else. But gay.

haha, same thing with black people that were born in middle/upper class
I love the first two Killswitch Engage Albums to death although I find most Metalcore sounds the same.
While trying my best not to take indiscriminate stabs at metalcore bands in a thread intended for fans of it...

The only 'core band I've ever really gotten anything out of is DevilDriver. They have a killer guitar sound which I think thrives off of the recording quality. They're not emo, or depressing, or even mindlessly aggressive ala Lamb of God; they rock damn hard, while still sounding crystal clear. And Dez's growls are fucking dirty as hell!

"I Could Care Less" is one of the most kick ass songs ever, if you can deal with the nu-metal synths here and there.
Shadows Fall and Mastodon are pretty much the only metalcore-ish bands I can tollerate.