Metalheads who also listen to rap

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I hate to have 2 threads i made floating around right now, but i feel this needs to be addressed.

I have been a metalhead all my life, i never really found interest in other music cause it was boring. Recently, my left his Jedi Mind Tricks cd in my car. I decided to give it a listen and all i can say is, wow. For the first time i have heard rap that is intelligent and actually contains talent. Not that i think rap takes no talent, but like some, when your job is nothing but to yell WHAT, YEAH, OKAY and make millions, it can kinda get to you :D .

Any other metalheads listen to rap?
i despise rap, even when i recognize some cleverness in it, it still pisses me off... just the entire concept of it is shit to me, regardless of whether or not it's done well.

FTR, i listen to lots of music besides metal, and a lot of it featuring african american artists.... so my feelings about rap stem neither from musical "closed-mindedness" nor from any sort of racism... i just plain don't like rap. well, it may partially stem from certain social effects i think it has, much like metal was blamed in the 90's by Tipper Gore and crew. but metal was always "fantasy"... rap/hip-hop portrays itself as "real", usually.

I love the "midschool"-stuff(Public Enemy, Ice Cube, Eazy E, NWA, Dr. Dre, Snoop's early stuff etc.).

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I'm probably in the same boat as mr murphy, i probably don't hate it. But the whole fucking culture surrounding hip-hop is disgraceful.
Yeah I agree with the midschool rap.. the new stuff is usually pretty bad though. I listen to country, rap, rock, pop, but mostly metal. I think it's stupid when metalheads listen to nothing else but metal because they think they "have" to.
I love rap / hip hop. My faves are the ones that actually are funny / have something to say , like Eminem , Lloyd Banks , Big Pun etc. I can't stand these rappers with Auto tune like Lil Wayne , Kanye , ESPECIALLY DRAKE FUCK DRAKE
I hear it all the time but own none. (guesthouse studio is all RnB and HH/Rap) I like the stranger stuff sometimes. Then again, I'm not a "metalhead" and mostly listen to industrial.
I really haven't met a genre I haven't liked, but as previously mentioned I hate hype. Even hype is genres I love more (metal, celtic, swing) than others I can't stand it.

Ch-ch-check out these boys:

A Tribe Called Quest
Jurassic 5
Dr. Dre
Select music from Nas
DJ Maj
Dub FX

That's a nice mix with great music.
I hate to have 2 threads i made floating around right now, but i feel this needs to be addressed.

I have been a metalhead all my life, i never really found interest in other music cause it was boring. Recently, my left his Jedi Mind Tricks cd in my car. I decided to give it a listen and all i can say is, wow. For the first time i have heard rap that is intelligent and actually contains talent. Not that i think rap takes no talent, but like some, when your job is nothing but to yell WHAT, YEAH, OKAY and make millions, it can kinda get to you :D .

Any other metalheads listen to rap?

Only listening to metal is the antithesis of metal.

Dr. Octogon
Dr. Doom
Kool Keith
Cypress Hill
Mf Doom
Immortal Technique

If you don't fall for any of those.... well fuck you then.
I'd say the culture around metal is just as disgraceful. It's like... most people are just happy to wallow in their own shit, regardless of the texture of the shit.... it's always the same low minded bollocks.
I'm a huge Rap fan.

JMT is one of my favorites. I also like IllBill and Necro, old Nas, Sage Francis, Cypress Hill, Biggie, old Snoop rules, Immortal Technique, Army of the Pharaohs, Doap Nixon, Kool G Rap, Mobb Deep, NWA, Wu Tang Clan, etc etc.

My JMT hoodie always gets compliments.