Metallica - Death Magnetic ripped!

Wondering this myself. And about this, the songs are okay, but the mix/mastering...I definitely don't like it. But at the end of the day, all that really matters is if the band is truly happy with the end product...nothing else matters (sorry...didn't mean the Metallica quote LOL). But, are they REALLY happy...with THIS?
if i were you i would close the dongle emulator before making a screenshot.
the steinberg guys have their eyes everywhere;):D
The snare is irritating, and the guitars need more upper-midrange. Why don't they get somebody reputable like Sneap or Colin Richardson to mix it?

Seriously, this sounds like something I mixed.
This is how I rate DM

Master Of Puppets
And Justice For All
Ride The Lightning
Kill'em All
Black Album - Death Magnetic
St Anger
So what does he do?

I sense the only thing he does is lay on a couch, tell you how crappy your songs are until he finds one that's tolerable and then shuffles back out the door.

Man, I want his job at his pay!

If Velvet Revolvers's experience is anything to go by; he shows up, tells you to keep writing more songs, shows up again, says write more songs, then hands you the bill. But he doesn't do anything with regard to the audio engineering side. Thats not his thing.
So what does he do?

I sense the only thing he does is lay on a couch, tell you how crappy your songs are until he finds one that's tolerable and then shuffles back out the door.

Man, I want his job at his pay!

He admittedly doesn't do much. His whole purpose is to say "this is amazing" or "this is the worst thing I've ever heard, you suck!" He leaves bands alone, doesn't go into the studio hardly at all during the entire album process, just for periodic listening/feedback updates every so often.

Once a band comes back with an album worth of material that is 95% "amazing" to him and maybe 5% stuff they insisted on keeping against Rubin's wishes, they end up selling more records than they have in years. His pay scale is based on his incredible statistical success rate.

I still think he sucks. :lol:
yeah, Rubin is a bit of a weird one.

He "listens" to the songs that the band present.. and then sends back a note with "1 and 2 ok. rest suck".. that's it.

He also hates over usage of effects and overdubs.. I read an RHCP article about his methods on that* record.. basically stripped John's guitar playing right back.

*By The Way I think it was..

And why all the hate on Rob??
I think he seems like a cool dude,... good bassist.. what's the problem?! You crazy cats ;)
nah it doesn't, just want to insult him. Why are you comparing a bassist to a guitarist and drummer. Call me crazy, but those are different instruments. Besides, he killed the band. Well, not really, can't kill something that has been dead
I like how people talk about Rob like he's some young newbie who can play real well but is a you guys realize HE IS FUCKING 43???? He's only one year younger than James Hetfield. And no, he's not a fag, he is fucking huge guy, he could kick the fucking shit out of anyone on this forum, no problem.

And on top of that, even though he's a huge guy, he acts totally laid back, and has no ego whatsoever... I'm not crazy about Metallica, and the new album is definitely a pleasant surprise, but not amazing...but come on, hating on Rob is just ridiculous.
I haven't heard anyone bash on his age because the age doesn't matter. Look at decapitated, the young oldest member was 18 when they got signed. They are way better musicians than Rob, and are still younger. True, he probably can kick my ass, but that doesn't take away the fact that he sucks at bass and only got famous by joining Metallica. Otherwise he never would have made it.