Metallica - Death Magnetic ripped!



now there is coffee coming out of my nose!

Fucking brilliant dude :headbang:
haha, that's a good one!

but...get back to your scool time,
he teacher, was he always the smartest person in the classroom?
i bet he wasn't:D (not a good one i know:cry:)

I had a couple of great teachers that actually encouraged and invited us to challenge him in class. The point, which you so obviously keep missing, is that whether or not the teacher was the smartest in the class, if I couldn't offer ANYTHING to back up MY arguments and he could, why would anyone else be listening to my OPINION over his?
Nice one, Exocaster!

So I put Death Magnetic in my car today, and it sounds like they've mixed the bass out again. Maybe they really are going for an authentic AJFA feel?! I've got a couple of 12" subwoofers in my boot/trunk, and it still had no low end. I do kinda like the sound of the guitars, but it'd be better with bass. Kick drums are barely making any noise either. The whole thing has just been mixed a bit too bright for my liking, there's no chunk to it. I think a bit more djent on the guitars couldn't hurt. The songs are in the right vein, and I'm loving 'That Was Just Your Life', and the three tunes that were released this past few weeks aren't the strongest on the album, imo.

I have a theory.

Maybe these massive strung out, year long + recording/pre production sessions makes it hard for producers to keep their focus and make a consistently quality sounding product? I have no idea if that's even a factor...
Meisterjäger;7584772 said:
I have a theory.

Maybe these massive strung out, year long + recording/pre production sessions makes it hard for producers to keep their focus and make a consistently quality sounding product? I have no idea if that's even a factor...

I doubt it. Even Slayer have said in the mid-90s that Rick Rubin isn't around too often. So I doubt he gets "focus problems" - at least not from being around the sessions for too long :)
It does sound better on earphones than studio monitors but dang that is a butcherd mix/master. Trying to figure out which is worse? Did Jenson have to deal with a bad mix or was it Jensons call to make it clipped?

The songs are defo growers, but its hard to listen when the snare makes me jump in my skins everytime it hits! hahah

If they do a remix Sneap has to be in the runnings that would be well cool!!!

It would be wise for them to do remixes/masters for the singles.

Rubin wasnt around that often from what i can gather aswell. Kind of a fly on the wall producer of the last at least 15 yrs. Sad tho he was great in his day.
You know what - i said earlier that i appreciated that maybe they wanted to do something different to all the metal records today mix-wise - have it rawer sounding whereas a lot of the metal cds recently sound almost too perfect - mixed and mastered to perfection. (I still wish the guitars had the clarity that some of Sneaps cds have though). While all them cds sound awesome i can understand trying to have something sounding a bit different. I suppose the black album was one of the first with that almost perfect sounding finish, load and reload were mixed and mastered really well too and most metal cds since then have lived up to what they did (especially on the black album)

I appreciate that they tried to do something different and turn it on its head again - just wish it sounded like Garage Inc. I love the mix on that cd :kickass: Its a great balance of sounding raw, but still mixed really well.

Oh well, so far im still really liking the album and cant wait to get the actual cd next week to hear how it really sounds
Fucking hell if they really want a "raw sound" then they should record with someone like Albini or Kurt Ballou or Matt Bayles or people WELL KNOWN for that sound. There's a world over difference between "raw" and "overcompressed, distorted and SHITTY" sounding.
I wonder how mixers/mastering engineers like the dudes who mixed/mastered that go home every night and are still happy with their work.

Andy, how often do you have to do things to the audio that you don't like because the client (either band or label) want it?