Metallica - Death Magnetic ripped!

I hate Zakk Wylde, the dude is just a "look me im so rude and very metal" guy, but he indeed was a kick ass guitarrist. but i was more saying that because Rob. he definitely has the experience, and if he leaves metallica he easily will found another good or better job.
movie critics aren't actors, but they know what they are saying
i'm no musician but i know what i'm saying and what i heard, just because i can't play like him doesn't i have to keep my mouth shut.

yeah and some of the best movies get shit reviews from so called critics

you're just lowering what little (if any) credibility you have with your arguments by saying this

whats the matter buddy? Did you get banned from Blabbermouth or something and now you're just looking for a new place to act like an ass?
movie critics aren't actors, but they know what they are saying
i'm no musician but i know what i'm saying and what i heard, just because i can't play like him doesn't i have to keep my mouth shut.

Movie critics suck. I don't give a shit what anyone says about music or movies, if you're just shittin on everything and not putting anything up of substance then your just shitting outta your mouth.
i'm not acting like an ass. your the one who can't another person's opinion. and its true, some of the best movies do get shitty reviews. people just voicing their opinion is all, nothing wrong with that. and i never heard of blabbermouth
i'm not acting like an ass. your the one who can't another person's opinion. and its true, some of the best movies do get shitty reviews. people just voicing their opinion is all, nothing wrong with that. and i never heard of blabbermouth

I think if you ever took the time to read any of my posts, you would see how ridiculous this statement is

then again, you might not because it might take a certain level of maturity to really grasp the concept of certain things ... so either grow up, contribute something constructive, or fuck off

"Constructive" does not mean "so and so fucking sucks because, because ...well because he fuckin sucks"

And one more thought on your completely asinine movie critic analogy ... I would be a LOT more inclined to see a movie that Robert De Niro said was one of the best he's ever seen as opposed to some critic named Meeseface
well i did say he was messy did't i. on top of that, his vocals sucks, he screams instead of singing(except in the song in this river, but he sounds like the fag from creed), and i could be wrong since i haven't heard them but the songs sound the same, i think they are on the same key. is that constructive enough for you?? And what kind of name is black label society anyway, no creativity beind that whatsoever, isn't black label a skateboarding brand?
well i did say he was messy did't i. on top of that, his vocals sucks, he screams instead of singing(except in the song in this river, but he sounds like the fag from creed), and i could be wrong since i haven't heard them but the songs sound the same, i think they are on the same key. is that constructive enough for you?? And what kind of name is black label society anyway, no creativity beind that whatsoever, isn't black label a skateboarding brand?

I was going to stay out of this one. But seriously dude, what's your predisposition with calling everyone "fags"? Are you so homophobic? Do you have your own issues and self doubts you need sorting out? Grow up...or get out. As said before...that's not how we roll around here.
and i could be wrong since i haven't heard them but the songs sound the same,

Oops. :loco:

that's as valid as saying I've never actually tried chicken but it tastes like shit.

i get your point about you don't need to be better at someone at something to have an opinion on them, but by saying the likes of the above you're kinda digging yourself a hole man.
Oops. :loco:

that's as valid as saying I've never actually tried chicken but it tastes like shit.

i get your point about you don't need to be better at someone at something to have an opinion on them, but by saying the likes of the above you're kinda digging yourself a hole man.

i meant haven't heard them in awhile. my friend is a huge fan and plays them all them time, i just haven't hung out with him in a while
i meant haven't heard them in awhile. my friend is a huge fan and plays them all them time, i just haven't hung out with him in a while

Why not? Is it because he is gay, or is it because he likes BLS? Or is it because he likes BLS and you think that makes him gay?

Purely out of interest what did you see that made you think Zakk is rubbish? Because if it was a youtube "lesson" that he did, it could have been an outtake he did when he was pissed and he was being intentionally messy...

I've seen that and it was pretty funny:

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maybe you are gay since you find so offensive

Oh...ouch. I'm critically wounded with your sharp rhetorical skills.

I'm rubber and you're glue...whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. :p Are we truly resorting to this sort of mentality?

It seems I struck a nerve with you. But by all means, please keep posting your ignorant, narrow minded, asinine comments. It shows your character and also gives me a little enterainment to see the the depth of your wisdom (meaning...bottom of the barrel dregs) and to see others put you in your place. :lol:
hey, you guys wanted something more than a he just sucks, so i gave it to you. no problem on my part, it was easy to find his faults.

Mine may have been rhetorical but yours was stupid and immature, and no, you haven't struck a nerve
nope, none of those are the reasons, if he likes him, then him likes him. what made me think he was rubbish was the live set that I heard him play, which sounds pretty messy, don't think that was intentional. I have never seen that video before, but that doesn't look intentional either, he even said himself"it just starts off ok and then goes terribly down hill from there", kind of proves my point. the only time i liked zakk wylde was when he came out in ATHF. and for the record, my friend is in iraq, thats why i haven't hung out with him