Metallica is just ruining metal...

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New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2010
ever since Load, Metallica has been releasing Hard Rock music and selling it off as Metal, and we all know those are very different things.

Luckily, we have Megadeth counteracting this, and trying to keep up with the vibe and still release some good thrash records.

Hopefully Kirk gets off his ass and rights some heavier riffs.
We all know Metallica was never the most fantastic band ever to begin with. We also know they went shit to get mainstream appeal back in the 90s. Hence, one thing we know of which is most obvious in the world of metal and does not need to be brung up so worthlessly in a thread which will soon be locked (I'm most sure). Troll while you can, just giving you a heads up for your post count. No offense to you but I understand your new here.
Not really. Kirk actually has pulled off some nice riffs in the past, so maybe hes onto something. Can't be a tard for mentioning a suggestion like that.

I also goto admit, hes right on the spot with Megadeth. At least for their latest record.
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