Metallica or Iron Maiden

Which band is better?

  • Metallica

    Votes: 26 27.4%
  • Iron Maiden

    Votes: 69 72.6%

  • Total voters
Both mastered two different areas of metal...and I don't see Iron Maiden as being as much of an influence (especially not Beast-onward) as Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Diamond Head, and other NWOBHM bands.

It's impossible for me to pick a favorite, as they're not similar; I can easily say that Metallica's my favorite over Slayer or Anthrax because they ARE similar.

Generally, though, I'd say that pound-for-pound, Maiden's technically better...Adrian Smith is just incredible, and Bruce Dickinson's one of the greatest singers ever.

However, James Hetfield is a great rhythm player, and a near-untouchable songwriter. His singing isn't technically as good as Bruce's, but it fits the music and sound perfectly.
I couldn't vote. : / Metallica from RTL - AJFA (Kill-em All is kick-ass too) is just mindblowing, but Maiden had a longer run of material and stayed truer to the fans that gave them their popularity than Metallica did. I didn't jump on the "I hate Metallica bandwagon" and never will, but I have been disappointed by them since "Load." I have also never owned Load, Reload or ST. Anger and won't be buying it either.

AceRoccola said:
And without the Beatles none of those bands would exist, does that make the Beatles better?

Who knows ? The Beatles started out as a bubble-gum pop band to most ears (though they actually were practically outlaws to many) and one day said "fuck-it let's do a bunch of drugs and make some experimental music no one has ever even thought about doing" and so they did. The stuff they recorded on Revolver and afterward probably had more influence in metal music than Metallica and Iron Maiden combined, though they weren't metal. Though they might have wrote "She Loves You" (yeah yeah yeah) they also wrote things that were so bizzarre, they created a genre called "acid rock."

AceRoccola said:
Thats exactly my point man lol. That guy said Maiden was better because without them Metallica wouldn't exist. You can trace influences back forever so its completely pointless to base any sort of argument on it.

Like evolution everything can be traced back to something else.
I get a kick from the "Metal Purists." They act like they are superior to
the rest of us.:p
No question, no contest. Iron Maiden. Period.

Maiden have alwas been proud to be a metal band, which is something that can't be said for Metallica. I still think that Metallica is one of the best and most influential bands ever, but they pale in comparison to Maiden.
Metallica had 5 great albums in a row then started sucking. Maiden had 7 great studio albums in a row then released 4 sub-par albums in the 90s but are now back on track with Brave New World and I hope the next album. All in all, Maiden have more albums that are classics and have never had an anoying my vote goes to Maiden.

Plus, Steve Harris is all class.
Yeah , Metallica WERE exceptional. They're a bag of shite now though. St Anger is piss, S+M was a fucking travesty, Garage Inc was a rip-off, and the Loads were lukewarm.
Maiden are unbeatable right up until NPFTD when they went off the boil, but they came back eventually and will silence all doubters in Spetember with their new album (I hope).