
I'm sure you've all seen this but....

In what appears to have been intended as a joke, METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett and drummer Lars Ulrich have compared some of the group's newest compositions to those of MESHUGGAH, HATEBREED and ENTOMBED.
The following are the duo's most recent postings to the "Jump In The Studio" section of the band's official web site:

Kirk Hammett (08/29/2002 3:52:00 PM) "So we came in today and we were working on the song Du Jour when [webmaster] Niclas walked in with the new MESHUGGAH CD. We decided to stop what we were doing and throw it on because every motherfucker at Ozzfest kept on telling us how kick-ass they were. When we heard it, we were shocked to find out how similar it was to our new material, even the 8 radio songs we have. I love MESHUGGAH! Right now the entire HQ smells like spray paint because James is graffitting our roll up door with the scary guy. We have a four-day weekend coming up and for me it is all about surfing, riding horses and playing guitar. Oh, by the way, I was just kidding about the 8 radio songs..."

Lars Ulrich (08/29/2002 5:26:00 PM) "Hey, it's Lars checking in on the way out. We had a nice ugly day in the studio. Lots of nastiness and misery. I'm psyched! BTW, I think Kirk's MESHUGGAH comparison is a little limiting. I hear shades of HATEBREED and ENTOMBED in there also. It is really starting to come together, man. The couple 2-3 things we've been working on this week, we've taken a few steps further than the earlier stuff, and it feels a bit good. We are gonna chill for a long weekend, so we will catch up on the sick shit and despair on Tuesday again. Y'all be good, c-ya in a bit, THE ELF (aka Lars)".
Meshuggah, Hatebreed, and Entombed!!? Now I am intrigued... :eek:

@He-Wolf: Kirk Hammet is NOT the most overrated guitar player in the world. That award, IMO, has to go to Janick Gers. :grin:
Originally posted by aaronstc
I'm sure you've all seen this but....

Kirk Hammett (08/29/2002 3:52:00 PM) "So we came in today and we were working on the song Du Jour when [webmaster] Niclas walked in with the new MESHUGGAH CD. We decided to stop what we were doing and throw it on... / ...we were shocked to find out how similar it was to our new material, even the 8 radio songs we have.

Lars Ulrich (08/29/2002 5:26:00 PM) BTW, I think Kirk's MESHUGGAH comparison is a little limiting. I hear shades of HATEBREED and ENTOMBED in there also.

Reminds me time when a friend of mine raced his honda accord, (he hates imports), against some little vw jetta, and he won. After the race was over, some other import inthusiasts came up and asked him what motor he had in his car. He told him it was just the stock one. The guy then said he should put an "h22a" motor in his car. (honda prelude motor). That it would perform alot better. And he quickly replied with "nah man....i have that motor in my corvette already." So, in a serious sounding response, uttered complete sarcasm, a fight almost broke out. The motor that sits in my friends 76 vette stingray, is not a puny h22a, but a 502 powerhouse. I think Metallica is trying to imply that Messugah/Hatebreed/Intombed, are worthless pieces of shit, and are just being sarcastic about thier music sounding like that.
@LastOfTheJotun: I tend to agree with you. I fully expect Load Pt. III, only even further watered down w/ Mr.Bob Rock playing bass. Hell, the full story about Hammett is that he met some kid and admitted to not even knowing who Meshuggah was/is. Does anyone really expect them to sound like them?

Furthermore, I don't care if they *do* put out the best album since 'Master.' I won't give those fucktards 1 MORE CENT of my own money, unless I buy the CD simply to crack the encryption and spread it around as far and wide as I can...
There is absolutely, 100 percent, sincerely not a single part of me that believes Metallica could write anything remotely heavy anymore.

We've been let down again and again since the Black album. Why would we convert now?

Metallica comparing their new material to Meshuggah, Hatebreed and Entombed is a total fucking mockery. These guys are having a laugh at our expense people, they probably said that just to "stir up debate in the online metal underground".

Metallica haven't written a decent thrash riff since MOP.

I totally agree with someone who said AJFA and MOP are their finest albums.

IF Metallica write a "heavy" song, it will obviously be for joke purposes. Perhaps they will write A-tuned single string 1>0 pull off riffs and attract a nu-metal crowd?

Its all a farce.

Originally posted by SlaughterofSoul
Kirk Hammett and Janick Gers are both WAY overrated guitarists, but to me, the award for most overrated would go to none other than Jimi Hendrix.

I used to think that - and since it's a matter of taste, then of course you are entitled to your opinion on what "sounds" good to you.

However, from a guitar players standpoint, there is NOBODY who can dispute that what Jimi Hendrix played/wrote was pure genius and way ahead of his time.

Kirk Hammet is overrated - BUT, check out his solos on:
Harvester of Sorrow
Fight Fire with Fire
Disposable Heroes

That could be five of his best - some of the chord structures on MoP and Justice were so complex that he had to refer to Joe Satriani to help him write out the playing patterns.

Granted - after the black album - he became all "wah" and monotonous.

Janick Gers just gets in the way of Adrian Smith. He should be shot for such a blasphemic act. :grin:
Metallica - the first NU-Metal

Somewhere around And Justice, they turned into Pop/Commericalism... or more commonly NU-Metal... :lol:
Lars Ulrich is a fucking legend. His drumming on the first four albums surpasses nearly all of his contemporaries, save for a few like Hoglan and Away.



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