Metallica's new freak project record

brand-new album, entitled Lulu, which will be released by Warner Bros. Records on November 1st in North America (October 31st elsewhere).

The complete tracklisting has been revealed and is as follows:

'Brandenburg Gate' (4:19)
'The View' (5:17)
'Pumping Blood' (7:24)
'Mistress Dread' (6:52)
'Iced Honey' (4:36)
'Cheat On Me' (11:26)
'Frustration' (8:33)
'Little Dog' (8:01)
'Dragon' (11:08)
'Junior Dad' (19:28)
DAMN. Those are some long ass songs. I'm very intruiged by this and I want to hear it dammit.
LOL, just heard a preview of one song, and it sucked big time. it sounds like a bunch of stoners who don't know how to handle an instrument.

so there you go, i said it.

Not gonna judge it till the 27th when the song is out
Well, not gonna judge it further than ".....the fuck"
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Wow this is really quite bad. I was at least expecting it to be listenable.

Lou Reed tries to make it all Swans-esque but it has the stupid new-school Metallica riffs in the background which don't fit at all. And then James Hetfield comes in and ruins any illusion of maturity.
I pretty much based it off of common sense lol..:lol:

common sense? You already judged the album as soon as it was announced that metallica and lou reed were going to make a record together... :lol: that's not "common sense", that's what they call being close minded :lol: anyway, i agree that it's bad. That's what you wanted to hear.

edit: in addition, i didn't judge to quick because i could never know how it would turn out. If Ol had announced that he would make a metal version of Lady GaGa - Born This Way, would you also immediately say that it was going to suck then? That cover turns out to be great (at least in my opinion).

inb4: ''yeah, but Ol is awesome and metallica isn't''
I agree with metallica144. Can't really judge the whole song from just a snippet though (Even if it was really fucking bad :lol: ). I'll youtube a few songs when it comes out and formulate my opinion then.