Metallica's new freak project record

Twice? What was the first one? :lol:

You better not be talking about St. Anger. That's not a Metallica album, it's a Metallica tribute band named St. Anger, it's their self titled.
common sense? You already judged the album as soon as it was announced that metallica and lou reed were going to make a record together... :lol: that's not "common sense", that's what they call being close minded :lol: anyway, i agree that it's bad. That's what you wanted to hear.

edit: in addition, i didn't judge to quick because i could never know how it would turn out. If Ol had announced that he would make a metal version of Lady GaGa - Born This Way, would you also immediately say that it was going to suck then? That cover turns out to be great (at least in my opinion).

inb4: ''yeah, but Ol is awesome and metallica isn't''

Well I'm actually going to take alteredmindeath's side for once. Seriously, Metallica has released a couple decent songs the last twenty years but load-st anger sucked big time. Death Magnetic was a step in the right direction but seriously, Lou Reed? Who the fuck is Lou Reed!?

Maybe it's bcause I'm too young or just a dumbass but who is he actually?

And also, Ol made two metal versions of Lady Gaga songs. I honestly wouldn't stand an etire album like that. It was fun, but not album-worthy. I seriously doubt Metallica can even make 3 decent songs with Lou.
I believe Lou Reed is quite a dude in the 'buisness' just not really our buisness.
It might be fresh, different and possible quite good.

Hell i'll probasbly buy it. If only hoping that I will like it.
If Lou Reed's voice was completely removed, that snippet wouldn't sound so bad. As it is though, oh no fucking thanks, do not want. Interesting though, didn't know Het was providing any vocals at all.
I also am not going to judge until I hear the whole song/album. First of all, i dont think it is supposed to be a metal album so this forum will tend to give negative comments. Also I think this is more of a Lou Reed album rather than Metallica.

Just think if we heard a snippet of To Live Is To Die by Metallica of the spoken word section. That doesn't give a good sample of what the song is like.

Oh and the album was recorded in just a couple weeks, can't expect too much XD
Well... as much as I bash Metallica. I can't really speak about this, it's just 30 seconds of a song, and I still don't know who the fuck Lou Reed is. It does sound awful, but I can't really judge it, specially since I'm used to bands taking weird alternate directions and having it sound great (i.e. Pain Of Salvation's Road Salt One).
This is an example of Lou Reed...It still baffles me why Metallica would agree to make an album with him and expect it to be the greatest thing ever and even claim they invented a new genre in rock music lol..

Well I don't think Metallica expected it to be the greatest thing ever; they just thought it felt right. But I agree, it is VERY obscure.