
Definatley in the top three for me,if only because the first time I heard it I was comfortably dozing off to sleep and the intro made me jump about five fucking feet.
The first 30 seconds are definitely some of the best 30 seconds AA have done, but after that it's just sort of lame.
I think it was a bad idea initially, and while the first 30 secs are pretty pulverizing, the moment the shock wears off it's just lame, yes.
Gotta love the intro.

The only thing that doesn't really fit for me are the lyrics, it's soooo manowarish.

the main difference between amon and Manowar is that Manowar actually are serious about what their singing and take it serious...
Amon dont take the lyrics of that serious... its just meant as a big joke... :kickass::kickass::kickass:
Well, they keep on talking and talking about that 'true metal' shit even outside the lyrics and seem to live by that philosophy, that's why I think Manowar takes some seriousness in that crap.
I mean, if they were just kidding it would have ended quite a lot years ago, unless they're trying to stablish a record for the world's longest practical joke ever made.
Well, they keep on talking and talking about that 'true metal' shit even outside the lyrics and seem to live by that philosophy, that's why I think Manowar takes some seriousness in that crap.
I mean, if they were just kidding it would have ended quite a lot years ago, unless they're trying to stablish a record for the world's longest practical joke ever made.

GWAR are still GWAR, aren't they? A lot of bands that are serious about their music but not really serious about their lyrics and image keep those lyrics and image for a long time.