
try with "Pedro Infante"

MMM which genre are you looking for ? Rock / balads, oldies :S ???

I don't know the bands or artist you previously wrote, if you are more specific maybe I could help you, thanks.
This is the stuff I've been listening to... I'm trying to find stuff in this genre. (This is actually in English, but I guess it has the Mexican feeling.)
la cancion del mariachi

the one who sings is Antonio Banderas but he is from Spain he's not mexican
but the song is good

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lol, that's been in my play list over and over again for ages!

I LOVE that movie! It was actually that movie that got me started on my Mexican craze...:p
Btw, did you see the very first Desperado, that was actually called El Mariachi? The Mariachi is not played by Antonio, but another dude... and I think it's the same dude to the left of Antonio in that video...
Poor guy! :lol:

:lol:, that's hilarious, Alexis...
Arcarsenal, is that Pedro Infante?
These songs will actually help me with my Spanish...

Alexis, yes! The first one is low budget, but really awesome. And isn't that Mariachi playing with Antonio the first Mariachi in the movies...?