Comic Book Dude
No, it's just that we're still waiting for you to say something funny.
Actually, no. You're mistaking that fact that you've been listening to hard rock/metal for 25 years and have nearly 3000 cds for the idea that you know more than anyone else here about music, and, consequently, you're trying to tell people what THEIR opinions are. It's called "being condescending". Also, you're confusing "opinions" with "uninformed statements". Your assertion that Paul O'Neill is entirely responsible for the later direction of Savatage -- and that anyone who enjoys the music is not a Savatage fan, but rather a Paul O'Neill fan -- is not an opinion, it is a misinformed statement -- or, as some of us like to call it, "bullshit".
Holy Moly....I must've hit a nerve. I'm pretty sure that I didn't place ALL of the blame on Mr. O'Neill, and I think that I said (many times!) that these were my opinions (oh nuts, that's now dictate what is or isn't an opinion), but.......oh well. How about're right , I'm wrong, and next time I want to express an "opinion", I'll check with you to see if it passes the smell test. Long live Jon Oliva!