MH ChannelStrip

Maybe it's just me, but I got this plugin (on Mac) for like $30 and I can't understand why it's so expensive when it's not on sale. Maybe there's some built-in saturation that I'm missing or something but it just seems like an EQ/gate/compressor/limiter kludged together. Which is fine, but not worth all the hype as far as I can tell.
Just installed the demo. Maybe I'll buy the CS if I like it. I highly doubt it turns me into Sneap lol.
It's kinda mystery that almost everyone use ChannelStrip for drums...Sneap,Coli,Lewis,Suecof...why the hell is so special?
because the compressor is awesome. makes it easy to get the drums to snap, and with the modes you're pretty versatile to work on different kind of tones.
Channelstrip does the ssl thing well, but kind of in its own way too. Compressor is fairly versatile but capable of being very aggressive/smacky so lends itself well to drums. Eq has some cramping in the curves at high Freq's but is pretty decent sounding. Quick and easy to use chanelstrip. NEVER ever has bugs. Plugin you can't go wrong with owning IMO.

I tend to favour ssl duende channelstrip a little bit more on drum tracks but usually go for mh afterwards for more smack. Both rule.