Michael Romeo + Michael Angelo = Guitar Heaven


Jul 18, 2002
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MAB has a new forum, and I asked him about how he knows Michael Romeo and whether they would ever collaborate. I know that they have thanked each other in liner notes on different cds. Here is how MAB replied:

"I met Michael Romeo when I first released "No Boundaries". We kept in touch and he sent me the Symphony X CD you mentioned. He told me he had studied my "Star Licks" instructional video and it had made a huge impact on him and his playing. I think he is a great guitarist. We also get along well personally so a collaboration with him could possibly happen.

I think it would be awesome if these two did something together...anyone know what Romeo thinks about such a collaboration? If they could get Stephan Forte involved, my G3 dream team would be complete!!
just my opinion, but I'd really rather listen to just romeo, as I find angelo's music pretty boring. Who knows though, maybe I would find a collaboration interesting if I heard it.
"And I can go way up on the tiny strings where you mash your fingers on 'em and you're like WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

MAB is a boring guitarist who is more concerned with being bitter towards Yngwie thank actually making some quality music as opposed to a useless pile of excersises. He actually went backstage at a Malmsteen show to tell him something along the lines of, "I've been doing the same thing as you for *insert number* years before you," and just be a whiny bitch that Yngwie got as famous as he did while MAB remained generally obscure (outside of guitarist circles). Instead of wasting his time on that, he could have tried something Yngwie did: write some good music. :rolleyes:
Liquid Shadow: I have trouble believing that angelo would do what you claim he did. Everything i have seen and heard of him suggests that he is amazingly humble. I have to wonder who your sources are?
OfSinsAndShred said:
Sweepking: A Romeo/Angelo/Forte G3-esque tour would rule!

Yeah sure. forte and romeo are one of the best prog-metal guitarist, but its little bit boring to listen if both are shredding by turns. I support that 80s guitarist thing (satriani, vai etc), but maybe romeo fits there fine. maybe forte too. but both.. maybe not so good idea:) dont give any comments about angelo...
I'm only going by some of the clips I've heard of Michael Angleo, and remembering the Nitro album my friend thought was awesome back inthe 80's, but everything I have heard from this guy is a joke! Technically he's incredible, but his music has no feeling at all. It's speed for the sake of speed and that's all. I never liked anything I heard from him and I can't imagine much of what he's done since I last heard him is any better.

Of course, I could be wrong, but that's what I remember about him.
Liquid Shadow said:
"And I can go way up on the tiny strings where you mash your fingers on 'em and you're like WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEDLEY WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

MAB is a boring guitarist who is more concerned with being bitter towards Yngwie thank actually making some quality music as opposed to a useless pile of excersises. He actually went backstage at a Malmsteen show to tell him something along the lines of, "I've been doing the same thing as you for *insert number* years before you," and just be a whiny bitch that Yngwie got as famous as he did while MAB remained generally obscure (outside of guitarist circles). Instead of wasting his time on that, he could have tried something Yngwie did: write some good music. :rolleyes:
This is one of the best posts I've ever read on this forum. :worship:
I didn't mean to stir the hornets nest with this post, but i guess most people don't think much of MAB here. I don't really like the Nitro stuff I have heard, but he some good tunes on his solo stuff like Peace, Jam Game, and No Boundaries.
i met him once at his guitar clinic thing,and he was a supernice guy.He stayed after the clinic and showed us his guitars and talked to us for almost two hours.by the way i dont know why people hate his music! just listen to songs like finish line and i do for you its ful of passion and feeling .just wait for his new album you'll be blown away
most people who bash MAB have only heard NO boundaries or maybe short clips of other songs. He is nothing but a nice guy and i doubt that that yngwie story is true. Maybe a gig or two with him and romeo would be cool, but i dont think a recorded collaboration or anything like that would have anyhting overly exciting to offer
Meedleyx10 said:
most people who bash MAB have only heard NO boundaries or maybe short clips of other songs. He is nothing but a nice guy and i doubt that that yngwie story is true. Maybe a gig or two with him and romeo would be cool, but i dont think a recorded collaboration or anything like that would have anyhting overly exciting to offer
I agree. When i went to his clinic i talked to him and i can tell you that he is a very nice guy and the way he plays live is unbelievable :yow: . I like his music, he is the fatest and cleanest guitarist ive heard and his compositions arent boring at all.

BTW He knows very well SymphonyX´s music.
sweepking said:
MAB has a new forum, and I asked him about how he knows Michael Romeo and whether they would ever collaborate. I know that they have thanked each other in liner notes on different cds. Here is how MAB replied:

"I met Michael Romeo when I first released "No Boundaries". We kept in touch and he sent me the Symphony X CD you mentioned. He told me he had studied my "Star Licks" instructional video and it had made a huge impact on him and his playing. I think he is a great guitarist. We also get along well personally so a collaboration with him could possibly happen.

I think it would be awesome if these two did something together...anyone know what Romeo thinks about such a collaboration? If they could get Stephan Forte involved, my G3 dream team would be complete!!
Sorry guys, but I don't understand why you appreciate Angelo so much. He got only one scale what he's playing......... minor scale. Nothing else. Only one shred man in the group on hundreds [shredmans]. And guys.... Have you seen Angelos intruction video? There is nothing in that video [except minor]. He is just praising himself: "I'm faster that machine gun!!!".Faster that machine gun....hmm... Angelo should watch Shawn Lanes videos and praise after that......if he got anything to praise after that video.
shredder487395 said:
How are those Shawn Lane instructional video? Do you have both of them? Does he teach a lot or is it just a shred out?

Yeah those are good. But you have get the books too.. its hard to learn if you dont have those. those bebop thing are so fucking terrible.
I don't even like MAB's music, but it would be cool in concert. Playing guitar as a sport can be fun live! So he's not writing amazing songs - so what? Oh well, people always bitch about shredders live, anyway. You should've heard the comments people made about Yngwie at G3.
Yngwie was a slopfest on G3...at least compared to how incredible his technique used to be when he was younger. He's definitely relaxed a bit over the years...