Michael Romeo. Guitar God?

^ haha pretty cool guitar. First time I see anything like that. Kinda eliminates the need for a brass slide. I'd love to noodle around on one of these. Maybe play something bluesy and cool like this:

Not sure what that SymX connection to fretless guitars is though.
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^ haha pretty cool guitar. First time I see anything like that. Kinda eliminates the need for a brass slide.

[ ... ]

Not sure what that SymX connection to fretless guitars is though.

Sorry I was away for a few days.

OK, actually, the SymX connection to fretless is actually kind of strained -- maybe it was unfair of me to phrase it that way -- but the connection goes like this:

SymX -> Russell Allen -> Adrenaline Mob -> Mike Orlando

The fretless playing starts shortly after 3:30.

Marwen, I know you were harsh on Adrenaline Mob in the other thread, but this guy doesn't exactly look like an amateur guitarist to me. The stuff he plays on the video above isn't the craziest thing I've ever seen, but there's some really good stuff in there, especially when the fretless comes out. (My favorite bit on the fretted guitar is when he hits a chord and bends the whole chord at around 2:30).

And can you confirm for me whether the fretless guitar is tuned in an open tuning (like a guitar that you'd play with a slide) or not? It seems to me that it's a standard tuning, but I can't prove it.
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^ Both guitars seem tuned in Eb Standard to me.

Mike Orlando is definitely great at what he does. I'm just not much into that hard rock wah-wah style, preferring more neoclassical and fusion. :)
He also has the advantage of being big. I cant fucking figure out how to string skip and tap without sounding like a car crash. His huge fleshy palm makes him able to mute effortlessly and i have these skinny fingers and hardly any palm meat, its not fair. + i tap with my middle finger because i cant quickly put the pick in my mouth or whatever he does with it. I think he just uses magic and it goes POOF and reappears whenever he feels like it.

Yeah, there was one video of him playing and I swear the pick just appeared in his hand after he was tapping away with all of his fingers in his right hand all splayed out. I wondered if he just wills things to occur. From what I have seen; he seems to have the opposite of Steve Vai hands which seem long and narrow and thin fingers and he taps and frets like crazy. I dont know how Romeo plays so fast and clean. Plus what he plays is very melodic even when he is blazing away. He is my first choice as he his all about music, composition, art, technique and soul.