Middy guitar tones


New Metal Member
Jun 17, 2009
I'm working on reamping this metal mix and using 7170, SoloC like some members on this forum. But I can't seem to get a nice, saturated guitar tone. It's way too "middy", as you can tell. Another issue is that the guitars seem to "separated", they aren't glued together very well. I kinda like Chimaira - Secret of the Dead tones.

Direct link: http://www.aeguitar.org/hellocrowley/U238MixDraft5a.mp3

Any advice? The guitars are EMG-equipped.
Honestly I think it's not overly middy, doesn't sound honky or anything to me. That said, if you think it has too much mids, back off a bit below 500 Hz for lower mids, and usually somewhere between 500 Hz and 1000 Hz for getting rid of more upper mid range stuff. I haven't used 7170 yet, so the exact frequencies to cut, I'm not sure, just play around with a parametric EQ until you find the ones you want to reduce.
The guitar tone is actually pretty decent, you might want to separate it even MORE. Try a little MB compression on it with the crossover set to around 90hz or so. maybe even 100 for this and try to let the bass guitar do some work here. I hear where the distortion is coming apart in the upper range, it's not as tight and controlled as it could be. You may want to read the Tube Screamer thread and ReAmp your DI signal back through the 7170 with a TS out front of the chain. Playing with that a little could help you control the contour of the tone, because the mid range is actually pretty defined. You just need to brighten it up a little with the MB (I'd say in the 3.5 to 4.2 range maybe) and then shelf out a little bit of the hiss. Not much, it sounds like a GR of only 1.5db could go a long way here. It's a good tone though and the mic placement sounds like it's doing good things. You aren't picking up any overly woofy noises or any antagonizing high frequencies which is great!
I wouldn't worry too much about the guitars as they sound pretty good, instead focus on the bass tone, it to be much louder thats the reason it sounds so separated.
with 7170 i always have a problem with the honk
but i get that with most stuff
-2db cut, fairly wide, 900hz. that's a start.
I couldn't really see much drastically wrong with the actual guitar tone , I think the guitars are the best part of the mix .
But yeah I see your point they are really separated but that's a good starting point . Maybe work on the bass to balance out the lows by that I mean bring the bass up and or bring the guitars down perhaps ...
There's quite a void between the guitars and drums otherwise.
Sounds like your pretty good at getting a guitar sound to me.