Mikael Åkerfeldt of Opeth answers questions in this interview

wow.. at least have correct info in your questions..

how does someone like that get an interview with mike?
Okay my first reaction to the first couple of replies was 'how can an interview be horrible? I mean it can be less good, otherwise you'd think they wouldn't interview the guy in the first place.' But really.. that was horrible lol. And as #6 said.. how? S:
Wtf is up with question #2 lol. Cheers for to Mike for acting polite as usual. And well thanks for bringing this anyway :)
Come on this can't be real, Mike always affirms that GR is not a concept album...

"4. Why was there a 10+ year gap of occult lyric themes before Ghost Reveries was released?
M: Wierd question…the “Ghost reveries” concept was based on the occult but I’ve had many songs touching on the subject before, only not to the same extent."

unless he meant the initial concept...:err:
how can an interview suck this hard? this has to be a joke. it takes creativity to reach this level of stupidity, i mean... the questions sound like he put a lot of effort in them :D

edit: fuck, i feel bad for being cruel, but if he is serious he needs to get his facts straight, and perhaps a little more time preparing it.
but hey man, if you like what you're doing, better luck on your upcoming interviews.
I just think it was very disrespectful of the interviewer, he obviously didn't do his homework on Opeth. Not only did he waste Mikael's time but he came totally unprepared...I wonder if it was even edited...

thanks a lot for putting it up though :)