Mikael mixes up some lines on the DVD


May 21, 2002
North Bethesda, Maryland
I don't know if this was mentioned before, but did anyone notice that Mikael mixed up some lines in "Hours Passed In Exile" on the DVD. I think he sang "What if: someone never opens twice" and then after that was supposed to be "Though I never claimed to be right give to me the benefit of doubt" and he sang "You can never tell me I'm wrong give to me the benefit of doubt"
Anyhow, I love the DVD so much, it's one of my favs! Not that I have much anyways...lol
The production is excellent (audio,visual...everything) and those guys were fantastic live! The only thing that got me pissed was the crowd, I guess they don't know how fortunate they are to see dark tranquillity live...I wish I was there...but anyhow, they did alot of damage with that DVD an they did stain Poland from my point of view if so to speak.Cheers!
Umm... look for a band member headbanging the wrong way too. And you might possibly hear one of the guitarist miss a note as well. :)