Mikael's attack on KsE

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killswitch doesn't absolutely suck. i have a good friend who honestly loves their music. its just mike's opinion...and to someone who doesn't know what opeth is about, or dig their music, opeth is trendy since they are now somewhat a part of mainstream culture.
abcdefg said:
i disagree, thats funny considering kse does the same exact pop formula in every song/
If you really think so, then you're extraordinarily stupid and shallow. That's a lot like saying Opeth uses the same prog death formula in every song.

I haven't heard another band that sounds as good as Killswitch in the hardcore scene.... Killswitch did start the whole metalcore movement, and influenced the groups Shadows Fall, Lamb of God, all that remains, unearth, god forbid, etc... I don't like them all, but the statement I made about KsE being the innovators was true.
Oinkness said:
Go ahead, flame me. But the guitarists are better at what they do, and their vocalist is great too, and could sing circles around Mike. :eek: Unlike Opeth, they can play music over 70 BPM.... they can play fast-paced stuff, and slow mellow stuff. In that way, they are similar to Opeth. :eek:

They've also got a completely different attitude than Opeth.... they're not disrespectful and negative, nor have huge egos.

Furthermore, who would compare Killswitch to maiden or priest?
KsE is obviously a lot better than both today. :p
You are truely retarded.
So basically all oinkness is saying is that thanks to his beloved KsE, we now have a plethora of shitty metalcore acts that all sound the same and have no talent except for exploiting impressionable youths and taking their money.
Oinkness said:
This comes as a surprise. Mikael attacking a very talented band just because they're American? One innovator attacking another. It's just ignorant. It's almost like Mikael attacking a younger, faster and more refined version of themselves. Can you really blame the band for the massive breakout of fans? Is this not surprisingly similar to Opeth's move to Roadrunner? Same situation.

What a stupid comment for an even more stupid thread.

Akerfeldt's quote is right on the dot - look at the responses to this thread for evidence.

Your bias is sticking out like a sore thumb: not only do you fail to interpret the very quote you have posted (which in no way centres on American bands, but does nevertheless speak a very well known truth about the American music industry as a whole), you post one of the very photos of Opeth that they would hate the most! It is a well known fact that the advertising, video clips etc are something which the band have very little care for.

Everyone knows that very little decent music comes out of America these days (recent productive eras in my opinion inc the days of Boston bands like Husker Du and the Lemonheads in the mid 80s, and then Seattle in the 90s, techno from Detriot and Chicago in late 80s and early 90s). Decent music now comes from Europe (metal, less mainstream electronica and even jazz from Norway).

The music which spews out of our loving Americans is nothing more than radio friendly junk which is a product and NOT MUSIC. It is indeed "corporate business". Anyone with a pulse knows this.

F**k the American music industry, they know nothing of musicianship these days.

Neither Maiden or Priest can be surpasses by any heavy band at this point in time, and that includes Opeth. While Maiden and Priest aren't in the glory periods any more, they still eat your KsE's for breakfast.

What kind of stupid comment are you going to post next? Linkin Park run circles around Rush?

You need to read more carefully and do more research into music before wasting webspace like this. Shut up and go to the Metallica forum where idiocy is a form of art.
Oinkness said:
This comes as a surprise. Mikael attacking a very talented band just because they're American? One innovator attacking another. It's just ignorant. It's almost like Mikael attacking a younger, faster and more refined version of themselves. Can you really blame the band for the massive breakout of fans? Is this not surprisingly similar to Opeth's move to Roadrunner? Same situation.

Mikael thinks KsE is manufactured, like a boyband with guitars... now that is the most ignorant statement I've ever heard from Mike. All that comedy routine in the live setting must be getting to his head.

And yeah, we all know Killswitch Engage is the prettiest group out there. (see image below)


I love Opeth and the gang, but Mike's statements lately are just arrogant as fuck.

And wow, KsE is such a huge band, they went from practicing in their guitarist's bedroom to their mom's basement.

It's painful to see Opeth evolve in this direction, a direction I honestly never thought they would go down. And against a fellow label group, show some decency guys. Everyone was pissed about Opeth signing to Roadrunner, think how shameful it would be for them to get kicked off the label for disrespectful conduct.

P.S... Opeth, never be pretty? I beg to differ.
This pic gives me half a roll of quarters in my tighty whities.

Go Opeth! Spread the hate. :erk:

here we go I knew that everyone would have a big cry as soon as I read what Mike said on blabbermouth. Same thing happened when Alexi said something about Dream Theater.

I totally agree with Mike, he may not have said it in the most polite way :lol: but he is right!

KSE suck regardless anyway:p They are so goddam cheesey and I just have to laugh my tits off when I hear the singer sometimes. I cant honestly find why any serious muso would appreciate thier talentless clap trap but each to his own I guess.. At least Mike has the balls to say when he thinks something is shit and after all it is just his opinion so get over it...
So what? Mike is right. They're a fucking pop band with guitars and rectifiers. Without modern record production they'd be nothing. They're re-treading on all the ground metal has dominated for the last 3 decades and hoping that mixing it with modern breakdowns is somehow going to win them originality points.

By the way Oink, I'd suggest watching it, you're already treading on thin ice. Ever since the Katatonia board incident, Mike has had it in for you.
Oinkness said:
If you really think so, then you're extraordinarily stupid and shallow. That's a lot like saying Opeth uses the same prog death formula in every song.

I haven't heard another band that sounds as good as Killswitch in the hardcore scene.... Killswitch did start the whole metalcore movement, and influenced the groups Shadows Fall, Lamb of God, all that remains, unearth, god forbid, etc... I don't like them all, but the statement I made about KsE being the innovators was true.


you had the son-of-a-bitch coming, oinkness!

and by the way, mudvayne > KsE anytime, anyday :cool:
chomps said:
So basically all oinkness is saying is that thanks to his beloved KsE, we now have a plethora of shitty metalcore acts that all sound the same and have no talent except for exploiting impressionable youths and taking their money.
For every band, there are 10 shitty metalcore bands. It's not just KsE. They would have existed anyway, influenced by Maiden or God knows what. I can assure you, 10 maiden clones would be a hell of a lot more annoying than 10 metalcore bands. I'm sure Opeth has spawned their share of opeth-influenced metalcore groups. I even know some punk groups with Opeth influences.

I will stick to my earlier statement. Opeth and KsE are one in the same.
I'll just leave it at that.

I guess it may have been a bit harsh to hold Opeth to the standards of Still Life, but what can I say.
Oinkness said:
Go ahead, flame me. But the guitarists are better at what they do, and their vocalist is great too, and could sing circles around Mike.


excuse me,


did I seriously just read that about KILLSWITCH ENGAGE?! LMFAO

oh my god this is the best troll ever

in the event that you might be serious, I suggest stick to your faggot MTV shit and pop radio stations and stay the fuck off of music forums
The Hubster said:
What a stupid comment for an even more stupid thread.

Akerfeldt's quote is right on the dot - look at the responses to this thread for evidence.

Your bias is sticking out like a sore thumb: not only do you fail to interpret the very quote you have posted (which in no way centres on American bands, but does nevertheless speak a very well known truth about the American music industry as a whole), you post one of the very photos of Opeth that they would hate the most! It is a well known fact that the advertising, video clips etc are something which the band have very little care for.

Everyone knows that very little decent music comes out of America these days (recent productive eras in my opinion inc the days of Boston bands like Husker Du and the Lemonheads in the mid 80s, and then Seattle in the 90s, techno from Detriot and Chicago in late 80s and early 90s). Decent music now comes from Europe (metal, less mainstream electronica and even jazz from Norway).

The music which spews out of our loving Americans is nothing more than radio friendly junk which is a product and NOT MUSIC. It is indeed "corporate business". Anyone with a pulse knows this.

F**k the American music industry, they know nothing of musicianship these days.

Neither Maiden or Priest can be surpasses by any heavy band at this point in time, and that includes Opeth. While Maiden and Priest aren't in the glory periods any more, they still eat your KsE's for breakfast.

What kind of stupid comment are you going to post next? Linkin Park run circles around Rush?

You need to read more carefully and do more research into music before wasting webspace like this. Shut up and go to the Metallica forum where idiocy is a form of art.
I skipped your post after the "look at the posts in this thread for evidence" statement. Opeth fanboyism is evidence of nothing but closemindedness.
Oinkness said:
I skipped your post after the "look at the posts in this thread for evidence" statement. Opeth fanboyism is evidence of nothing but closemindedness.

Killswitch Engage fanboyism is evidence of nothing but media-driven immature musical taste, leading to nobody really taking anything you say seriously.

my blanket statement cop-out > yours
House of Seance said:

excuse me,


did I seriously just read that about KILLSWITCH ENGAGE?! LMFAO

oh my god this is the best troll ever

in the event that you might be serious, I suggest stick to your faggot MTV shit and pop radio stations and stay the fuck off of music forums
I don't watch MTV. All they ever show on there is The Grand Conjuration music vid. :p

Honestly I don't watch any tv.

And about Moonlapse's comment about the katatonia board,
I simply stated my early opinion of the new CD.
One sentence about the disc, something along the lines of "a little step down from viva emptiness" and I found myself banned in no time. Complete ignorance. Good riddance to the katatonia board. I sort of miss the bloodbath board though.

Holy crap, so many responses my dialup can't handle this stuff.

I guess I'll just say,

I like Shadows Fall.

I don't like Mudvayne.

SuperTroopers... cool movie.

Take care, meow.
House of Seance said:
Killswitch Engage fanboyism is evidence of nothing but media-driven immature musical taste, leading to nobody really taking anything you say seriously.

my blanket statement cop-out > yours
Spoken like a true Opeth fanboy. :p
Trying to use my statement against me in an irrelevant way. :p

edit: Ok, I'm gotta go mates, talk to you later.
I'm going to lay low for a while until this thing reaches the second page, probably by tommorow, heh.
This debate isn't worth losing access to the other forums over.

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