Mikael's attack on KsE

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Oinkness said:
Spoken like a true Opeth fanboy. :p
Trying to use my statement against me in an irrelevant way. :p

Spoken like a true Killswitch Engage fanboy

I used your statement against you in a MORE relevant way

see how easy it was for me to say that?

my dad can beat up your dad

Killswitch Engage blows balls, me realizing this makes me an Opeth fan boy?... good logic

I bet Mike doesn't like Britney Spears, and you probably don't either, so that makes you an Opeth fan boy

Mike has opinions, nobody cares that you don't share the same opinion as him, SO OMG MAKE A THREAD ABOUT IT !!!111

Oinkiness :worship: :worship: :worship:
Wow, pretty much everyone who has posted in this topic has said something stupid (including Oinkness). He can like KSE if he wants, it's not my problem.
So, I've been on this board for awhile now. Haven't posted much - mostly just been listening. There are some people who are annoying and others who are funny, etc. But I have to say, without any doubt, that I have never read a single post by Oinkness that has even had a remote acquaintance to common sense.

If you aren't aware of just how far music is in the toilet, then you've been asleep since the early 90's. For metal, it went all downhill after the Black Album. Toss in the fall of MTV, boy bands, 15-minute pop stars, and American Idol, and it's been a shitstorm that doesn't appear to be clearing anytime soon.

Take a band like Green Day (non-metal example). When they came out in the late-80's and no one had heard of them, they were about as punk and raw as anything out there. Now look where they are - in MTV's pockets. Everything they do now is crap and the public is lapping up and begging for more.

As for metal, sure their are a few bands out there that have managed to impress. But for the most part, the big bands are gone, and all that's left is a bunch of weak bands that all sound the same and end up boring the shit out of me. Who is the Slayer of 2006? Who is the next Iron Maiden?

That's where Opeth comes in. They are different. They aren't about the money. They don't ask me if I'm ready to rock, motherfuckers? They get on stage in their black shirts and black pants, say, "hi, we're Opeth from Stockholm, Sweden" and then they give an honest 90 minutes that's well worth the money.

$100 to see the Stones? $150 for Bruce Springsteen? $200 for Billy Joel? All bands I've enjoyed at one time or another, but no thanks. I'll pay my $18 and go see Opeth again.

Mikael is completely right, and I salute his honesty and candidness. If you can't deal with the reality of what's really going on - wake up.
He makes perfect sense. You see all these new 3rd rate generic bands being compared to classic bands and it's horrible. I don't listen to a lot of newer music unless it's an older band. I see things like some new band being compared to a band they're not even 5% of and roll my eyes, and i'm glad I have nothing to do with newer wanna be metal bands or the current metal scene. Most of these new bands probably no nothing about the history of heavy music or anything.
NineFeetUnderground said:
the only similarity i can see between opeth and killswitch is that both of their fanbases are extremely fanboyish and ignorant to a fault.
And I'm sure you could think of more examples of this fanboy behaviour without even trying.
Oinkness said:
Killswitch did start the whole metalcore movement, and influenced the groups Shadows Fall, Lamb of God, all that remains, unearth, god forbid, etc... I don't like them all, but the statement I made about KsE being the innovators was true.

a.) Killswitch Engage wasn't around in the 80's when metalcore first developed.

b.) Killswitch Engage was NOT the first band to do the whole 'gothencore' (which is basically the more popular metalcore variant) thing.

Unearth, Darkest Hour, and Shadows fall have been around longer.

and you're trying to accuse others of blatant fanboyism?
NineFeetUnderground said:
i frankly dont have any idea what your point was with this post. please dont be weird.
I meant the similarities you described between Opeth and KsE are the same as Tool fans or Metallica fans etc.
Yeah...that post didn't make much sense
wwallinga said:
Everyone's fighting and no one is reading my post which I obviously spent a lot of time on... :cry: Flame me too!!! :heh:


Take a band like Green Day (non-metal example). When they came out in the late-80's and no one had heard of them, they were about as punk and raw as anything out there. Now look where they are - in MTV's pockets. Everything they do now is crap and the public is lapping up and begging for more.

while it's true that in their early days Green day was MORE punk, they were never as 'raw and punk as anything out there' they still had a pop element, but it wasn't huge....after dookie they kinda started going a more alt.rock direction, and then after nimrod (possibly their best release IMO) they turned into your typical pop-punk band, and stress image over music now it seems.

my point? They were never a punk band...but they once had a stronger punk influnce/sound...now theyre just a pop band...

Oinkness said:
Go ahead, flame me. But the guitarists are better at what they do, and their vocalist is great too, and could sing circles around Mike. :eek: Unlike Opeth, they can play music over 70 BPM.... they can play fast-paced stuff, and slow mellow stuff. In that way, they are similar to Opeth. :eek:

They've also got a completely different attitude than Opeth.... they're not disrespectful and negative, nor have huge egos.

Furthermore, who would compare Killswitch to maiden or priest?
KsE is obviously a lot better than both today. :p

Sean Casey said:
how about you analyze the whole article and not just that quote?

Because the article has no relation to the quote.

And I meant the second page, as the second page of the Opeth forums. I was going to wait until this thread wasn't used anymore, but it still seems pretty damn active. -_-

I watched a documentary where the members of Shadows fall, unearth, all that remains, lamb of god, etc stated directly that they had been influenced, and followed, killswitch engage. So it's going to be hard to prove my wrong. *_*

And I don't even know what you mean by Rainwound being sarcastic. It's just some kickass instrumental prog rock / BM. :p
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